Open PJCzx opened 8 years ago
Hi, in which context are you planning to use RFControlJS? Are you using pimatic? If yes it might be helpful to trace debug messages which can be produced by pimatic-homeduino on request by setting the "debug" property as part of the plugin configuration.
Hello @mwittig,
I've been through the tutorial as far as you mentioned; I'm now getting:
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "ready"
[pimatic-homeduino] Connected to homeduino device.
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "PING"
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "ACK"
[pimatic-homeduino] Receiving on pin 0 //Plugged ATAD on D2
Press UP
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 600 196 5224 0 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010011010010101011001010101100110011010101001011010101010101001101010101010101010100110100110101001101001011010012"
[pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 196, 600, 5224 ] 110011001010110100101100101101010100110101010011001100101010110100101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001010110010110100101102
Press DOWN
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 600 196 5232 0 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010011010010101011001010101100110011010101001011010101010101001101010101010101010101010011001011010010110100101012"
[pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 196, 600, 5232 ] 110011001010110100101100101101010100110101010011001100101010110100101010101010110010101010101010101010101100110100101101001011010102
Press STOP
[pimatic-homeduino] data: "RF receive 600 196 5228 0 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010011010010101011001010101100110011010101001011010101010101001101010101010101010100110101001011001101001100101012"
[pimatic-homeduino] received: [ 196, 600, 5228 ] 110011001010110100101100101101010100110101010011001100101010110100101010101010110010101010101010101011001010110100110010110011010102
I'm following the read me but my understanding is blocked at the binary. So far, I'm able to identify something like a long common code + specific to action + footer but I don't know how to define the pulsesToBinaryMapping
11001100101011010010110010110101010011010101001100110010101011010010101010101011001010101010101010101 01011001101001011010010110101 02 //UP
11001100101011010010110010110101010011010101001100110010101011010010101010101011001010101010101010101 10010110010101100101101001011 02 //DOWN
11001100101011010010110010110101010011010101001100110010101011010010101010101011001010101010101010101 10010101101001100101100110101 02 //STOP
Can anyone help me? Thx
Idem, I don't know how to define binaryToPulse
. Does anyone have good documentation on this?
Hi guys,
Sorry to bother but I'm quite a noob in most of the subjects here and I'm a bit lost. I'm trying to replicate the signal of the remote control for projection screen.
I tried many lib, but only RFControl look to give me feedback.
I understand the pulse lengths are [144, 244, 612, 5204](not exactly doubled each times :s). The pulse count is 132 and the pulse sequence is written above.
The protocols with a pulse count of 132 are:
None of those have a close pulse length.
I'd like hints to:
I opened a Stackoverflow without answer since weeks, I'm now trying to contact any of you.
Thank you in advance, once again sorry to rise an issue for that.
Best, PJ