pimatic / rfcontroljs

nodejs modul with protocol support for different 433mhz switches and weather stations for the RFControl Arduino library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RF RGB controller support #42

Closed goudenvis closed 9 years ago

goudenvis commented 9 years ago

Can anyone build a protocol for a RGB controller? I receive the raw code in pimatic (in combination with the pimatic-homeduino plugin), but i'm unable to control it. This is the RGB controller: http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-Touch-Screen-Dimmable-Remote-Wireless-RF-Controller-For-Led-RGB-Module-Strip/371239945160?_trksid=p3693.c100102.m2452&_trkparms=ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140212121249%26meid%3D066cfc0809fc45f7b07629d56234a045%26pid%3D100102%26

I saved for every button the code: On: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact2: { id: 1035831, contact: false } 23:38:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch5: { id: 1035831, unit: 0, all: true, state: true } 23:38:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 344, 981, 1312, 9464 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110010203 23:38:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 344 981 1312 9464 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110010203" 23:38:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 345, 967, 9484 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102 23:38:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 345 967 9484 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102"

Off: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 346, 966, 9476 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102 23:38:31debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 346 966 9476 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102" 23:38:31debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 347, 966, 9448 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102 23:38:31debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 347 966 9448 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110011102"

Dim: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact2: { id: 1035831, contact: false } 23:39:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch5: { id: 1035831, unit: 0, all: true, state: true } 23:39:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 342, 982, 1320, 9476 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010101100203 23:39:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 342 982 1320 9476 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010101100203"

bright: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 346, 966, 9484 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010101101102 23:39:22debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 346 966 9484 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010101101102" 23:39:22debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 332, 524, 979, 9440 ] 12110212120220200202122020200202201202020202202103 23:39:22debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 524 979 332 9440 0 0 0 0 01002101012112122121011212122121120121212121121023"

change-color (upper button): debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact2: { id: 1035831, contact: false } 23:41:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch5: { id: 1035831, unit: 4, all: false, state: false } 23:41:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 341, 983, 1328, 9500 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110100203 23:41:04debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 341 983 1328 9500 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110100203"

change-color (lower button): debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 344, 970, 9464 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110101102 23:41:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 344 970 9464 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101100101010110101102"

color wheel Red: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 346, 968, 9504 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101010101101010011102 23:43:44debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 346 968 9504 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101010101101010011102"

color wheel Green: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 345, 969, 9504 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101010110101001101102 23:45:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 345 969 9504 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101010110101001101102"

color wheel Blue: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact2: { id: 1035839, contact: false } 23:45:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch7: { unit: 3, id: 1, state: true } 23:45:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch5: { id: 1035839, unit: 0, all: true, state: true } 23:45:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 341, 1000, 9492 ] 01010101010110100101011010100101010101010110010102 23:45:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 341 1000 9492 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010110100101011010100101010101010110010102"

On the color wheel it was tricky, because i'm not sure if the color I picked is only reb/green/blue.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

This looks like the new led protocol´s Can you test this version of rfcontroljs? https://github.com/Icesory/rfcontroljs/tree/command_protocols

goudenvis commented 9 years ago

I have installed the newest version of the homeduino plugin (0.8.45). With the led1 protocol I can turn the controller on, but not off. So it's partial working.

In the config I use this: { "id": "ledKeuken", "name": "Leds keuken", "class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch", "protocols": [ { "name": "led1", "options": { "id": 2071663, "unit": 3 } } ] }

When I turn off the controller by the remote, I see registration of the raw code, but not any protocol in the log file. But when I turn the controller off in Pimatic, I don't even see any raw code. The only registration in the log is:

debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "ACK"

Icesory commented 9 years ago

I have pushed a commit for this. You can try it by a manual download or you wait until it is in the official build. But i am not sure that this is probably working. There are some strange thing in the data. https://github.com/pimatic/rfcontroljs/commit/55fcc88469e02e6b33dbfd28cc23405177546dbf

goudenvis commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much, it works! Finally got some time today to try. With some trial and error, I managed to let it work. I use now the led4 protocol: { "id": "ledKeuken", "name": "Leds keuken", "class": "HomeduinoRFButtonsDevice", "buttons": [ { "id": "on-button", "text": "Aan", "protocols": [ { "name": "led4", "options": { "command": "code:10000100", "id": 796 } } ] }, { "id": "off-button", "text": "Uit", "protocols": [ { "name": "led4", "options": { "command": "on/off", "id": 796 } } ] }, { "id": "buttonPlus", "text": "+", "protocols": [ { "name": "led4", "options": { "command": "bright+", "id": 796 } } ] }, { "id": "buttonMin", "text": "-", "protocols": [ { "name": "led4", "options": { "command": "bright-", "id": 796 } } ] }, { "id": "buttonBlue", "text": "Blauw", "protocols": [ { "name": "led4", "options": { "command": "code:00000101", "id": 796 } } ] } ] }

I'm now trying to figure out what codes are used for the different colors. So I can make buttons for the colors I want to use.