pimatic / rfcontroljs

nodejs modul with protocol support for different 433mhz switches and weather stations for the RFControl Arduino library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switch1 dim support #8

Closed koffienl closed 9 years ago

koffienl commented 9 years ago

For the KaKu brand we can use the switch1 protocol. Will there be support for dim values soon? The KaKu protocol supports 15 steps of dim level. When implementing a dimmer in the config, I would like to suggest to make it optional if a normall ON signal has to be send or allways send a full bright (100%) dim level to the device.

If needed, I can provide debug data from the receiver for the dimlevels.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Debug data is good. Let's show

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Will post some, later this day in the evening when I'm back home.

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

Yes, post timings for the test cases :)

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Did some tests, with one Raspberry Pi sending KaKu dimmer protocol from pilight sending to a other Raspberry Pi receiving with hoeduino :) The Unit is 9565958 and the ID is 0. Sending low is dimlevel 1, sending high is dimlevel 15

Control send, turn OFF

RF receive 257 2627 1296 319 10155 0 0 0 010002000202000002000200020200000200020002000202000002020000020200000202000002030202000200000200020200000200020002000200020002000204

Control send, turn ON

RF receive 259 2641 1293 10138 0 0 0 0 010002000202000002000200020200000200020002000202000002020000020200000202000002000202000200000200020200000200020200000200020002000203

dimlevel HIGH

RF receive 255 2904 1388 771 11346 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034

dimlevel HIGH

RF receive 255 2914 1392 759 11343 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034
RF receive 256 2916 1386 759 11357 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034

dimlevel LOW

RF receive 255 2901 1392 754 11354 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034
RF receive 257 2909 1386 741 11339 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034

dimlevel LOW

RF receive 256 2907 1394 753 11344 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034
RF receive 254 2929 1392 754 11349 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034
RF receive 255 2909 1387 743 11350 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034

dimlevel HIGH

RF receive 255 2920 1389 749 11340 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034
RF receive 258 2904 1387 771 11334 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034
RF receive 256 2927 1388 758 11354 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034

Is this helpfull for you ?

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Ok its the normal kaku protocol. But the normal Unit is the dimlevel HIGH = 0200020002000200 = 1111 = 15 LOW = 0002000200020200 = 0001 = 1 The state controls on or off So for every new dimmer you need a unique Remote ID

koffienl commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure if I understand you? Yes, the KaKu DIM protocol is allmost the same as KaKu_new, but you can extend it with a dimlevel. What do you mean wth a unique remote ID ? It use the same unit and ID as currently with switch1.

The KaKu_dimm protocol is fairly documented : http://wiki.pilight.org/doku.php/arctech_dimmer

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Oh you are right, the dimmer protocol is 4 bit longer Bit 0-25 = ID Bit 26 = toggle all Bit 27 = state Bit 28-31 = unit Bit 32-35 = dim level

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

@Icesory Do you want to add it?

Icesory commented 9 years ago

i can try it. just installing git and clone the rep.

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

cool. That gives me some time fixing bugs in homeduinojs :)

Icesory commented 9 years ago

I tried to test the protocol with gulp but i get a AssertionError.

1) #decodePulses() dimmer1 should decode the pulses: AssertionError: pulse of dimmer1 should be detected. at Context.runTest (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/test/lib-controller.coffee:194:9) at callFn (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:250:21) at Test.Runnable.run (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:243:7) at Runner.runTest (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:373:10) at /home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:451:12 at next (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:298:14) at /home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:308:7 at next (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:246:23) at Object._onImmediate (/home/ronny/pimatic-dev/rfcontroljs/rfcontroljs/node_modules/gulp-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:275:5) at processImmediate as _immediateCallback

What is the problem?

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

The problem was that the mapping to binary did not match (there is an 0000 pulse sequence for the state). https://github.com/pimatic/rfcontroljs/commit/2ae1151b9b55eb09daa5e88972aa6763fb3fcee9#diff-a11f30d4b9564ddb22b4b375413c87bcR13

Thanks for the good work. Merged you changes into the repository.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

@koffienl in the development branch is the dimmer available https://github.com/pimatic/rfcontroljs/tree/development

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Hope to try to test asap. My pi setup is borked and SD card is corrupt. Wife would like to get heating up and running first instead of dimmer support :P

stat2 commented 9 years ago

I am trying to test this but what class should I use for the device? I tried "HomeduinoRFDimmer" but that does not work (and neither does "HomeduinoRFSwitch".

I probably did not get the development version correctly. What I did: curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimatic/pimatic/development/install/install-git | sudo bash /dev/stdin development And then to update the rfcontroljs (because that was not the development version): git clone -b development https://github.com/pimatic/rfcontroljs.git And put this in the right place.

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

The dimmer device is not yet implemented in pimatic-homeduino...

stat2 commented 9 years ago

ah, that explains it. Unfortunately then I cannot test right? (I have rf433 sender/receiver directly hooked up to the raspberrry pi GPIO).

koffienl commented 9 years ago

@koffienl in the development branch is the dimmer available

Can you tell me how to install the development version over my master branch version?

Icesory commented 9 years ago

I was a little bit to fast. Forgot that no dimmer device in Homeduino exist. So you must wait until some one implemented it. Today and tomorrow I have no time to work on this. (Girlfriend is at home) Sorry for that fail.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

No problem at all, I can wait :)

stat2 commented 9 years ago

Me too ;-) Thanks for all the work.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Ok. Here it is. https://github.com/Icesory/pimatic-homeduino/commit/062cffd5a6253725c5d24e854ec5b04bd388215b and here https://github.com/Icesory/rfcontroljs/commit/ce2d4c201e76f11b016b301291b0d39ecda8398d

Now we need some guys to test this. you have to update the folowing files pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/node_modules/homeduino/node_modules/rfcontroljs/lib/protocols/dimmer1.js pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/node_modules/homeduino/node_modules/rfcontroljs/lib/controller.js and pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/homeduino.coffe pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/device-config-schema.coffe

and than you can define a dimmer

      "id": "HomeDimmer",
      "name": "HomeduinoRFDimmer",
      "class": "HomeduinoRFDimmer",
      "protocols": [
          "name": "dimmer1",
          "options": {
            "id": 7654321,
            "unit": 0
          "send": true,
          "receive": true

@sweetpi i dont like the "name": propertie in the protocols section. i think it should be "protocol": Just my 5 cent :)

sweetpi commented 9 years ago

@sweetpi i dont like the "name": propertie in the protocols section. i think it should be "protocol": Just my 5 cent :)

hm. It depends how you read it: protocols[0].name is more logical to me than protocols[0].protocol. Yes, but if I would build a gui for it then I would probably name the field protocol instead of name... Because I think it does not make the big difference. Let's keep it named name.

Please keep in mind, that the changes are still not merged into the master version. I would still wait with testing. I hope to get all together this weekend.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Why you must test all stuff alone? let some other guys test. And the name name is ok. But i like the protocol name :)

incmve commented 9 years ago

I have no dimmer to test, I did test the device in pimatic that works. capture

I had to update pimatic-homeduino aswell in order to get the device https://github.com/Icesory/pimatic-homeduino

20:48:00.838 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: level: 95
20:48:00.877 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: _state: true
20:48:01.381 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "ACK"
20:48:03.183 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: level: 100
20:48:03.221 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: _state: true
20:48:03.698 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "ACK"
20:48:07.703 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: level: 0
20:48:07.741 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: _state: true
20:48:08.242 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "ACK"
Icesory commented 9 years ago

nice. The debug data would removed.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

@incmve you didn't took the dimmer from my desk to your home to test? ;)

I don't see much time for me this weekend to test. Maybe sunday, or monday.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Relatet to the 5th Post it is possible that the hardware dimmer dont work right. This is the postet transmitted data.

Command State Dimlevel
on true 0
off false 0
level 1 N 1
level 15 N 15

But at the moment pimatic send it like this

Command State Dimlevel
on true >0
off false 0
level 1 true 1
level 15 true 15

the problem i see is that we have no seperate on/off keying for the dimmer. @sweetpi has the dimmer official released in the update today. So please test and report the functionality

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Updated. Works very fine for first tests. Settimg to dimlevel 0 turns it off. Pimatic detects dimlevel receiv through other sources (remote control or pilight transmit). Changing dimlevels by rules also working perfect. Tommorow I will do some extra tests with multiple adress on one dimmer device.

Thanks for the good job :+1:

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Did some more testing, but I think we have a problem with sending different types of dimlevel. Sitaution: The device is OFF. Slide the dimslider from 0 to some point and the device will turn on, but not to the apporpiate dimlevel. Slide again : the device till start glowing from low to high (the normal KaKu behaviour when a dimmer receives a ON signal when it is allready on).

I have some old pre-pilight code that allows you to send KaKu directly from command line without a daemon. When I send a dimlevel, you can see that the state is undefined. Send dimlevel 1:

09:12:51.346 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 262 2880 1373 776 11328 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034"
09:12:51.415 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 262, 776, 1373, 2880, 11328 ] 0300020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020014
09:12:51.475 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: dimmer1:  { id: 9565958, all: false, unit: 0, dimlevel: 1, state: undefined }
09:12:51.629 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 275 2968 1423 780 11372 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020034"
09:12:51.693 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 275, 780, 1423, 2968, 11372 ] 0300020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002000200020002020014
09:12:51.758 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: dimmer1:  { id: 9565958, all: false, unit: 0, dimlevel: 1, state: undefined }

Send dimlevel 15:

09:14:05.465 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 260 2900 1374 768 11332 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034"
09:14:05.558 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 260, 768, 1374, 2900, 11332 ] 0300020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020014
09:14:05.626 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: dimmer1:  { id: 9565958,
09:14:05.626 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  all: false,
09:14:05.626 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  unit: 0,
09:14:05.626 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  dimlevel: 15,
09:14:05.626 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  state: undefined }
09:14:06.973 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 264 2932 1395 768 11360 0 0 0 0100020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020034"
09:14:07.030 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 264, 768, 1395, 2932, 11360 ] 0300020002020000020002020000020002000202000200020002000200000202000200020000020002000200020002020002000002000200000002000200020002020002000200020014
09:14:07.092 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: dimmer1:  { id: 9565958,
09:14:07.092 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  all: false,
09:14:07.092 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  unit: 0,
09:14:07.092 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  dimlevel: 15,
09:14:07.092 [pimatic-homeduino] debug:>  state: undefined }

When you send dimlevel to the same device with pimatic:

09:15:09.958 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 308 2848 219 1064 11396 0 0 0 0102030203030202030203030202030203020303020302030203020302000303000302030000030203020300030003030003020003000303020003000300030003000300030300000334"
09:15:10.016 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 219, 308, 1064, 2848, 11396 ] 1310121012121010121012121010121012101212101210121012101210111212111210121111121012101211121112121112101112111212101112111211121112111211121211111224
09:15:10.069 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: dimmer1:  { id: 9565958, all: false, unit: 0, dimlevel: 2, state: true }

As you can see, it is sending a dimlevel and a state. The dimmer device receives the ON command and is going to glow. I think the dimmer1 protocol should be changed to send allways a undefined state, even when the device is off and it receives a dimlevel with undefeined state it will turn on and dim to he deired level.

joenex1 commented 9 years ago

I noticed the same behaviour, will follow this topic and help with testing if needed :+1:

PimButton commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same problem: if any testing is needed I'd be happy to help :)

Icesory commented 9 years ago

These days i must do some work for my studies. I know the problem and i have some solutions. But less time. I think on Thursday i can fix this.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

:+1: Take your time, we could live without a week ago ;)

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Ok i made a little change and i think now the dimmer should work.


stat2 commented 9 years ago

It works for me! It might be nice to have the possibility to have both an on/off button and a slider, but I am verry happy with the way it is working now. Thanks!

koffienl commented 9 years ago

Confirmed working for me to. Hope to test some more scenarios later this weekend.

joenex1 commented 9 years ago

Works great for me too. An on/off button would be nice to e.g. see if it's turned on or off. The slider doesn't move to 0% if you use remote control or wall switch.

joenex1 commented 9 years ago

Maybe another improvement, for example:

You will see it tries to go to 100% first, after a second or two it will go down to 25%. Is it possible to directly go to 25%?

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Today i bought me a "Intertechno ITLR-300" Dimmer to give you the best solution for Dimmers. I have extendet the functions of the HomeduinoRFDimmer. Now the Slider turns the Dimmer direct to dimleve and not first to 100%. The other improvement is, you can use switch protocols to set the state of the slider in the ui. Internaly the Slider saves the last position when it turned off. Is it now turned on it dont goes to the maximum. it sets the level to the saved dimlevel.

In the ui it is possibel to expand the Dimmer with a DummySwitch. For this you need a DummySwitch and 4 rules to link them together.

I dont have a RF-Remote with the possibility to set the dimlevel. Exist a remote that can do this?

You can control the dimmer with a normal Wallswitch and this used a switch protocol. With the following config it is possible to update the UISlider with the Wallswitch.

      "id": "HomeDimmer",
      "name": "HomeduinoRFDimmer",
      "class": "HomeduinoRFDimmer",
      "protocols": [
          "name": "dimmer1",
          "options": {
            "id": 9509718,
            "unit": 2
          "send": true,
          "receive": true
          "name": "switch1",
          "options": {
            "id": 9509718,
            "unit": 2
          "send": false,
          "receive": true
stat2 commented 9 years ago

This sounds very good. I will not be able to test for the coming days, but when I do I will let you know (anyway you are now able to test yourself ;-)) Thanks!

stat2 commented 9 years ago

I have been testing and it works almost perfectly. The only issue I find is that using the dimmer protocol it does not respond to simple on-off switches. Also, it is not possible to specify the switch1 protocol with the same address in addition (Error: "switch1" is not a dimmer protocol.). Could the dimmer protocol be extended to also include simple on/off?

EDIT: solved by installing latest development version. Sorry!

koffienl commented 9 years ago

bump. I was talking to @incmve and he mentioned the dim broadcast is not recognized by the NewRemoteSwitch librarie (https://github.com/hjgode/homewatch/tree/master/arduino/libraries/NewRemoteSwitch). Testing with some old pre-pilight code (https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxdrkuk94w9fpqo/lights.zip) give me results as expected:

Addr 9565958 unit 1 dim level15, period: 284us.
Addr 9565958 unit 1 dim level15, period: 282us.
Addr 9565958 unit 1 dim level15, period: 284us.
Addr 9565958 unit 1 dim level15, period: 283us.

But sending same dim code with pimatic does not work. Would be nice to get dimlevel working on arduino with the NewRemoteSwitch librarie. Could someone take a look if it could be fixed?

(just to be sure: other normal pimatic-KaKu commands are recognized by the lib).

incmve commented 9 years ago

Yes other kaku signals are received but not the dimmer.

Icesory commented 9 years ago

can someone collect a raw string from the dimmer remote? then we can look to the implementation.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

There is no dimmer remote :( The only wat to dim osfiddling with multuple ON. pilight/pimatic implementations are the only one who can send directly a dimlevel. I have to go now, around midday I can capture some raw data when sending the dimlevel with the earlier mentioned 433 tool.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

ID=66 Unit=66

10:07:48.595 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2856 1380 760 11336 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020034"
10:07:48.645 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 760, 1380, 2856, 11336 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020014
10:07:48.895 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 266 2916 1415 744 11432 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020034"
10:07:48.944 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 266, 744, 1415, 2916, 11432 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020014
10:07:49.207 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 258 2904 1397 764 11372 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020034"
10:07:49.300 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 258, 764, 1397, 2904, 11372 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020002020014

10:08:05.449 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 260 2844 1383 772 11344 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200000234"
10:08:05.499 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 260, 772, 1383, 2844, 11344 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200000214
10:08:05.750 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 262 2924 1405 776 11384 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200000234"
10:08:05.797 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 262, 776, 1405, 2924, 11384 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200000214

10:08:26.966 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 260 2848 1380 800 11336 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200020034"
10:08:27.017 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 260, 800, 1380, 2848, 11336 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200020014
10:08:27.464 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 257 2860 1389 756 11372 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200020034"
10:08:27.514 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 257, 756, 1389, 2860, 11372 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000200020200020014

10:08:41.388 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 257 2856 1379 760 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002000234"
10:08:41.446 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 257, 760, 1379, 2856, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002000214
10:08:41.883 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 252 2880 1385 752 11340 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002000234"
10:08:41.928 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 252, 752, 1385, 2880, 11340 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002000214

10:08:53.315 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2860 1379 768 11372 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002020034"
10:08:53.366 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 768, 1379, 2860, 11372 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002020014
10:08:53.825 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 273 2924 1421 744 11352 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002020034"
10:08:53.868 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 273, 744, 1421, 2924, 11352 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000002020014

10:09:06.303 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 258 2848 1377 764 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000234"
10:09:06.355 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 258, 764, 1377, 2848, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000214
10:09:06.604 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 265 2912 1403 768 11372 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000234"
10:09:06.652 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 265, 768, 1403, 2912, 11372 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000214
10:09:06.902 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 258 2920 1399 752 11344 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000234"
10:09:06.945 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 258, 752, 1399, 2920, 11344 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200000214

10:09:17.916 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 261 2856 1381 760 11364 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200020034"
10:09:17.965 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 261, 760, 1381, 2856, 11364 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200020014
10:09:18.218 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 268 2928 1410 836 11364 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200020034"
10:09:18.268 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 268, 836, 1410, 2928, 11364 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002000202000200020014

10:10:25.178 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2864 1380 772 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002000234"
10:10:25.228 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 772, 1380, 2864, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002000214
10:10:25.675 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 256 2888 1387 756 11356 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002000234"
10:10:25.724 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 256, 756, 1387, 2888, 11356 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002000214

10:10:35.366 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2872 1379 756 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002020034"
10:10:35.418 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 756, 1379, 2872, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002020014
10:10:35.865 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 255 2864 1391 780 11344 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002020034"
10:10:35.915 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 255, 780, 1391, 2864, 11344 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020002020014

10:10:51.768 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 258 2856 1378 780 11336 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200000234"
10:10:51.820 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 258, 780, 1378, 2856, 11336 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200000214
10:10:52.265 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 256 2904 1392 792 11368 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200000234"
10:10:52.329 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 256, 792, 1392, 2904, 11368 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200000214

10:11:06.031 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 260 2888 1383 764 11336 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200020034"
10:11:06.084 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 260, 764, 1383, 2888, 11336 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200020014
10:11:06.530 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2892 1393 776 11348 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200020034"
10:11:06.580 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 776, 1393, 2892, 11348 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020000020200020014

10:11:19.474 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 257 2860 1380 756 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002000234"
10:11:19.524 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 257, 756, 1380, 2860, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002000214
10:11:19.772 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 264 2960 1397 752 11340 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002000234"
10:11:19.820 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 264, 752, 1397, 2960, 11340 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002000214

10:11:32.241 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 257 2844 1379 756 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002020034"
10:11:32.291 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 257, 756, 1379, 2844, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002020014
10:11:32.740 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 255 2876 1390 736 11344 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002020034"
10:11:32.792 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 255, 736, 1390, 2876, 11344 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000002020014

10:11:47.821 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 259 2868 1382 744 11332 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200000234"
10:11:47.870 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 259, 744, 1382, 2868, 11332 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200000214
10:11:48.320 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 255 2912 1388 740 11360 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200000234"
10:11:48.370 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 255, 740, 1388, 2912, 11360 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200000214

10:12:10.632 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 258 2840 1381 808 11348 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200020034"
10:12:10.685 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 258, 808, 1381, 2840, 11348 ] 0300020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200020014
10:12:10.933 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "RF receive 268 2912 1396 11372 0 0 0 0 0100020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020200000200020002000202000002000200000200000200020002000202000002020002000200020023"
10:12:10.982 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 268, 1396, 2912, 11372 ] 0200010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010100000100010001000101000001000100000100000100010001000101000001010001000100010013
incmve commented 9 years ago

can someone collect a raw string from the dimmer remote? then we can look to the implementation.

The dimmer is pimatic, the receiver an arduino with NewRemoteSwitch librarie

Icesory commented 9 years ago

Ok guys I don't need raw data. The library NewRemoteSwitch can't receive the dim level right. And I think the interupt handler is to huge.

When you send from pimatic a dim level of 100% the library should receive it.

koffienl commented 9 years ago

I don't understand?

The librarie is capable of receiving and understanding KaKu dimlevels from the old CLI software downlaoded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxdrkuk94w9fpqo/lights.zip But it does not recognize the pimatic dimmer1 broadcast as a KaKu protocol at all