pimatic / rfcontroljs

nodejs modul with protocol support for different 433mhz switches and weather stations for the RFControl Arduino library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for Projector Screen iVisions Electro M #93

Closed rrooggiieerr closed 1 year ago

rrooggiieerr commented 8 years ago


First of all thank you for creating and maintaining this great piece of software, I'm having a lot of fun with it as part of Pimatic.

I recently bought a projector screen, the iVisions Electro M. Most probably some re-branded screen as I can only find one shop on the internet who sells them under that name.

The screen comes with a 433mhz remote which is currently not supported by rfcontroljs.

This are the codes:

Screen up debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 199, 588, 824, 5164 ] 110011001010110100101101010100101011010100110010110100101100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001011001011010100110123 debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 588 199 824 5164 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010010101011010100101011001101001011010011010101010101010101001101010101010101010100110100110100110100101011001023" debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 153, 217, 599, 5104 ] 221022102020221210202212121210202022121210221020221210202210212021212120202021221020212021212120202121202210221212102121202211212223 debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 599 217 153 5104 0 0 0 0 001200120202001012020010101012020200101012001202001012020012010201010102020201001202010201010102020101020012001010120101020011010003"

Stop debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 154, 172, 240, 598, 5100 ] 332033203030332320303323232320303033232320332030332320303320303030303030303032332030313030303230303033203030332323203233232322313334 debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 598 240 154 172 5100 0 0 0 001200120202001012020010101012020200101012001202001012020012020202020202020201001202030202020102020200120202001010120100101011030004"

Screen down debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 198, 589, 832, 5164 ] 110011001010110100101101010100101011010100110010110100101100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001011001011010100110123 debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 589 198 832 5164 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010010101011010100101011001101001011010011010101010101010101001101010101010101010100110100110100110100101011001023" debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 199, 591, 5180 ] 110011001010110100101101010100101011010100110010110100101100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001011001011010100110112 debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 591 199 5180 0 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010010101011010100101011001101001011010011010101010101010101001101010101010101010100110100110100110100101011001002"

Is it possible to have this protocol supported?

Thanks and keep up the good work!

rrooggiieerr commented 8 years ago


I dived into the protocol development myself, however I'm facing some problems.

The test/lib-controller.coffee script gives me an error: Error: Cannot find module '../src/controller.coffee'

I'm guessing line 3 of test/lib-controller.coffee should be: controller = require '../lib/controller.js'

However then I get an other error: ReferenceError: describe is not defined

So I left the test/lib-controller.coffee script for what it is and moved on to the alternative method described. I created the following script:

controller = require './index.js'
result = controller.prepareCompressedPulses('591 199 5180 0 0 0 0 0 001100110101001011010010101011010100101011001101001011010011010101010101010101001101010101010101010100110100110100110100101011001002')
console.log result
result2 = controller.fixPulses(result.pulseLengths, result.pulses)
console.log result2

This results in the following output:

{ pulseLengths: [ 199, 591, 5180 ],
  pulses: '110011001010110100101101010100101011010100110010110100101100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001011001011010100110112' }

So it looks like controller.fixPulses(result.pulseLengths, result.pulses) returns null, which is not what I was expecting.

Are the protocol development instructions still up to date?

rrooggiieerr commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think I came a bit further in developing the protocol, however it's not working :-( This is what I have so far:

module.exports = (helper) ->
  pulsesToBinaryMapping = {
    '110': '' #header
    '01': '0' #binary 0
    '10': '1' #binary 1
    '112': ''  #footer1
  binaryToPulse = {
    '0': '01'
    '1': '10'
  return protocolInfo = {
    name: 'shutter6'
    type: 'command'
    commands: ["up","down","stop"]
        type: "number"
        type: "number"
    brands: ["iVisions"]
    pulseLengths: [ 200, 590, 5170 ]
    pulseCount: 132
    decodePulses: (pulses) ->
      console.log("Pulses: #{pulses}")
      # pulses for up, down and stop are something like:

      # we first map the sequences to binary
      binary = helper.map(pulses, pulsesToBinaryMapping)
      console.log("Binary: #{binary}")
      # binary is now something like: '010001100111100011101001100100000000001000000000000101110000100'
      # now we extract the data from that string
      # | 01000110011110001110100110 | 0100000000001000000000 | 000101110000100 |
      # | id                         | channel?               | command         |

      commandcode = binary[48..62]
      console.log("Command Code: #{commandcode}")
      command = (
        switch commandcode
          when '000101110000100' then 'up'
          when '100001110111100' then 'down'
          when '010001110011100' then 'stop'
          when '010010010011101' then undefined
      console.log("Command: #{command}")
      console.log("Id Binary: #{binary[0..26]}")
      console.log("id: #{helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 0, 25)}")
      return result= {
        id: helper.binaryToNumber(binary, 0, 25)
        channel: 0
        command: command

    encodeMessage: (message) ->
      console.log("Id: #{message.id}")
      console.log("Id Binary: #{helper.numberToBinary(message.id, 26)}")

      id = helper.map(helper.numberToBinary(message.id, 26), binaryToPulse)
      console.log("Command: #{message.command}")
      commandcode = (
        switch message.command
          when undefined then ''
          when 'up'  then '000101110000100'
          when 'down' then '100001110111100'
          when 'stop' then '010001110011100'
      console.log("Command Code: #{commandcode}")
      command = helper.map(commandcode, binaryToPulse)

      #pulses = "110#{id}01100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001011001011001011010100110112110#{id}01100101010101010101010110010101010101010101#{command}112"
      #pulses = "110#{id}01100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001010110101001011010100101112"
      #pulses = "110011001010110100101101010100101011010100110010110100101100101010101010101010110010101010101010101011001010110101001011010100101112"
      pulses = "110#{id}01100101010101010101010110010101010101010101#{command}112"

      console.log("Pulses: #{pulses}")

      return pulses

When I'm adding this code in Pimatic button presses on the remote are detected, however when I'm sending the screen does nothing.

Any hints and tips?