Closed Stacey940 closed 5 years ago
Would you like assistance or advice? Advice
Issue description
I want to send a pre formatted json response. For example the api returned a json like :
"payload": { "template_type": "list", "top_element_style": "<LARGE | COMPACT>", "elements": [ { "title": "<TITLE_TEXT>", "subtitle": "<SUBTITLE_TEXT>", "image_url": "<IMAGE_URL_FOR_THUMBNAIL>", "buttons": [<BUTTON_OBJECT>], "default_action": { "type": "web_url", "url": "<URL_TO_OPEN_WHEN_ITEM_IS_TAPPED>", "messenger_extensions": <TRUE | FALSE>, "webview_height_ratio": "<COMPACT | TALL | FULL>" } }, ... ], "buttons": [<BUTTON_OBJECT>] }
I just want to forward this message using the $bot->send() , as we do using the sdk
Use the call function.
Thanks @wittfabian
Would you like assistance or advice? Advice
Issue description
I want to send a pre formatted json response. For example the api returned a json like :
I just want to forward this message using the $bot->send() , as we do using the sdk