pimcore / generic-data-index-bundle

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Deployment strategy #130

Closed markus-moser closed 2 months ago

markus-moser commented 3 months ago

This is a little bit related to #127.

When class definitions change its needed to update the index of the changed class definitions (mapping + enqueue all items). We need a way to automate this for the use in deployment pipelines. Its really hard to manually update the relevant selected class definitions after each deployment. Also updating all items/class definitions per default on each deployment is not a good idea.

Therefore we need some kind of mechanism which stores the last updated class definition index update somewhere (settings store?). This could be done for example by calculating a md5 hash of the OpenSearch mapping for the class definition. If the mapping did not change there is no need for updating the class definition.

There should be then a specialized command option which executes updates for changed class definitions only (the command could be named somehow with the name "deployment" in it).