pimentel / atom-r-exec

Send R code to various R consoles from the Atom editor
MIT License
19 stars 8 forks source link

Send function or paragraph #19

Closed pimentel closed 8 years ago

pimentel commented 8 years ago

Would definitely appreciate a code review. Thanks!

pimentel commented 8 years ago

You're probably away on holiday, but I just wanted to ping : -)

Happy holidays!

hafen commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay - this is really great stuff!! Thanks! Actually, given that your contributions and momentum here far exceed what I've been able to contribute and will likely be able to contribute in the future, I was wondering if you would be interested in owning this repo. Then you won't have to deal with me taking 20 days to review a PR :). Let me know.

pimentel commented 8 years ago

@hafen no need to apologize! thanks for the response!

I'd be happy to take over the repo -- I've been using atom a lot and definitely see myself developing this package further (at least for mac). Thanks for all of your help with everything and for setting up this project.

hafen commented 8 years ago

Great thanks! I'll merge and figure out how to transfer.