pimoroni / automation-hat

Python library and examples for the Pimoroni Automation HAT, pHAT and HAT Mini
MIT License
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Analog output, round to 3 decimal places. Add explanation to Readme #26

Closed shortbloke closed 4 years ago

shortbloke commented 4 years ago

Changing rounding of Analog readings from 2 decimal places to 3, in order to reflect the accuracy and resolution of the ADC on the Automation HAT. (Fixes: #25)

The README has also been updated with an additional FAQ section which explains more about the reason why the 12-bit ADC doesn't provide 4096 possible values.

Some minor markdown style fixes have also been applied.

Gadgetoid commented 4 years ago

Thank you! Thanks for tweaking the README, I'll rephrase it a little for clarity but it's good to have a kick to get that information out there.

shortbloke commented 4 years ago

@Gadgetoid Feel free to add a link to the Node-Red nodes for the HAT to the FAQ ;-) https://github.com/shortbloke/node-red-contrib-automation-hat