pimoroni / automation-hat

Python library and examples for the Pimoroni Automation HAT, pHAT and HAT Mini
MIT License
121 stars 42 forks source link

install script doesn't download latest example scripts #32

Closed BryanCrotaz closed 4 years ago

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

Latest scripts include using the LCD on the Mini Hat. The scripts included in get.pimoroni.com/automationhat don't have these features.

Gadgetoid commented 4 years ago

Ah! Thank you. This will be because there has not been a release tagged that includes these scripts.

Looks like this could also explain #33 too. I'll deploy a new release that adds the dependency and examples.

Gadgetoid commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed as of release 0.2.3 - https://github.com/pimoroni/automation-hat/releases/tag/v0.2.3