pimoroni / automation-hat

Python library and examples for the Pimoroni Automation HAT, pHAT and HAT Mini
MIT License
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.toggle() not working for some features #5

Closed mnelsoneorm closed 7 years ago

mnelsoneorm commented 7 years ago

I can .toggle() relays, but toggle does nothing for comms, warn, outputs. on() and off() work fine. No error message. Just nothing happens. Does it not know current "state" to toggle from/to?

Gadgetoid commented 7 years ago

I'm looking into this. For comms, warn etc it was just awful broken code (I need to find a way to add test coverage to code that interacts with hardware!).

Gadgetoid commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed by 8643d543513b650b872180830415b4960a1955ad and 90b45b56e641e9fb19e6c1381380e71ce99ad04c which I'll push out in Version 0.0.2.

I'm also making an effort to increase test coverage and mocking to verify that the library performs as expected without having to rely on hooking up elaborate test jigs to the hardware.

bfqrst commented 7 years ago

On a similar note, the LEDs of the ADC are supposed to be somewhat voltage sensitive from what I've learned from the corresponding Bilge Tank episode. Now those guys aren't lighting up at all in my case. They're not defective, I can tell you that much, because the on() or write() function actually switches them on (or off). That's how I found out that toggle() doesn't work... Maybe you guys can look into this as well.

I'm happy to transfer this into a dedicated GitHub issue if it helps?!

Cheers Ralph

Gadgetoid commented 7 years ago

Hopefully 0.0.2 has sorted this out, but if not let me know and it'll make 0.0.3.