pimoroni / inky

Combined library for V2/V3 Inky pHAT and Inky wHAT.
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Displaying YouTube Subscriber Count #101

Closed joejoethejoey closed 1 year ago

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I recently saw this tutorial for a YouTube subscriber count using a Waveshare eink display:


I didn't realize it was such a handful with the code, but I purchased the Inky Impression display thinking it would work just as easily.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the code to work with the Inky Impression? I'm at a complete loss. The code gets stuck when it tries to detect the Waveshare, I have no idea how to make it look for the Inky Impression instead. Or if it could be simpler, how can I get it to show a dynamic webpage using html to refresh every hour so that it will update automatically?

Thanks in advance.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

It looks like their code uses PIL to draw all the display stuff, so in theory it should just be a case of replacing WaveShare specific stuff like from waveshare_epd import epd7in5b_HD and epd = epd7in5b_HD.EPD() with the Inky equivalents - I don't have an Impression but I'd advise looking through the examples in the Inky library for the equivalent lines and stealing those to replace the Waveshare stuff.

You may be lucky enough to find that is all you need!

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jerbzz. I think I get what you mean, should I be checking the examples in this directory?


From the init.py file, I'm thinking this:

from .inky_uc8159 import Inky as Inky7Colour

epd = Inky7Colour()

The syntax looks a bit different.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

The examples that got installed in ~/Pimoroni/inky/examples might be easier to digest :)

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Ah I see. I'll give this a try:

from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky and epd = Inky()

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

That looks very much like the right direction - good luck :D

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

I tried a few times, I've passed the but I get AttributeError: 'Inky' object has no attribute 'init' error on these two lines of code:

epd.init() epd.Clear()

I'm not sure how to implement the test_init.py code into this. Any suggestion please @jerbzz ?

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Try looking at the end of this example file:


joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jerbzz , but I think I'm in way over my head. I wouldn't know what I would need to do with defining the different items.

I think I'll just wait for something much easier to come around. Lol....I can't afford to pull more hair out.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Honestly it sounds like you’re close!

I would just delete both the lines you showed me; I think that’s dealt with for you automatically with the inky.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement @jerbzz, I got a little further, but now get a AttributeError: module 'PIL.Image' has no attribute 'size' error now. I don't see the size of the display being defined anywhere on the original code from https://www.the-diy-life.com/

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Removed a few lines of code regarding the logging and the clearing screen, but now it seems to be the font files causing an issue.


jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Hmm, so the font selection stuff in the inky library works thusly:

from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium

hanken_bold_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskBold, 35)
hanken_medium_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, 16)

draw.text((hello_x, hello_y), "Hello", inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_bold_font)

35 and 16 are the font size

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

It's a bit hard to do this without a display of my own, sorry! :)

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Oh no no, you have been a massive help! Thanks for your patience! I would've given up long ago if not for your encouragement. It is a good feeling when you get pass each error code. I've sorted the font error, but now the very last line of code:


I get this error:

AttributeError: 'Inky' object has no attribute 'getbuffer'

I've tried taking this line out and the code runs with no errors, but nothing shows on the screen.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

I removed the getbuffer and finally get the screen to change. But it's a complete black screen now. Lol.

This is my code

blackImage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
redImage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
draw_blackImage = ImageDraw.Draw(blackImage)
draw_redImage = ImageDraw.Draw(redImage)
draw_blackImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((200, 435), noViews, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((800, 500), today, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, 'youtubeIcon.bmp'))
redImage.paste(bmp, (265,80))
jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Can you show the whole code?

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import requests
picdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'pic')
libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'lib')
if os.path.exists(libdir):

import logging
from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky
from time import sleep
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium
from font_intuitive import Intuitive

epd = Inky()
saturation = 0.5
scale_size = 1.0

from datetime import date
today = str(date.today())

# Set up the structure of the API request URL

URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels"
type = "statistics"
channelid = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
PARAMS = {('part', type), ('id',channelid), ('key',apikey)}

#Get API results

r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)
data = r.json()
subscribers = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['subscriberCount'])
totalviews = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'])

#Convert results to a string and format numbers with commas

noViews = 'Views:   ' + f"{totalviews:,d}"
noSubs = 'Subscribers:   ' + f"{subscribers:,d}"

logging.info("Updating display")

logging.info("initialising and clearing display")

# Load the fonts

intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, int(22))
hanken_bold_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskBold, int(35))
hanken_medium_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(16))

logging.info("Drawing new image")
blackImage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
redImage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
draw_blackImage = ImageDraw.Draw(blackImage)
draw_redImage = ImageDraw.Draw(redImage)
draw_blackImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((200, 435), noViews, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_blackImage.text((800, 500), today, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, 'youtubeIcon.bmp'))
redImage.paste(bmp, (265,80))
Gadgetoid commented 3 years ago

To drive by and interject with a pointer - Inky has no concept of "red" and "black" images, and just uses a single "P" (paletted) style image with the colours in the right order. So blackImage and redImage should just be one thing, and the fill or color of text should be adjusted to match the desired result using the epd.BLACK or epd.RED constants.

Looks like this is a cool example we should include in this repository somehow!

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

So, instead of draw_blackimage and draw_redimage etc, you just need one Image, and each draw call should say something like

draw_Image.text((x,y), "Whatever", 1, font) for black and draw_Image.text((x,y), "Whatever", 5, font) - 1 means black and 5 means red.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

To drive by and interject with a pointer - Inky has no concept of "red" and "black" images, and just uses a single "P" (paletted) style image with the colours in the right order. So blackImage and redImage should just be one thing, and the fill or color of text should be adjusted to match the desired result using the epd.BLACK or epd.RED constants.

Looks like this is a cool example we should include in this repository somehow!

Thanks for the input. Yeh, I thought that this would be an awesome DIY project for Social Media counters.

I assumed the blackImage and redImage was just the variables defined by the code to show those in different colours.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

blackImage and redImage are "instances" of the Image "class" from the PIL library - I think I have the right terminology, I'm not a Python expert!! You only need one instance of Image to make the Impression do a do, not two like the original code has.

Think of "instances" as objects within the code which each know how to be an image - the "class" has a bunch of "methods" like Draw - so:

myImage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255) creates a new instance of the Image class called myImage

draw_myImage = ImageDraw.Draw(myImage) is basically a shortcut so you don't have to say ImageDraw.Draw(myImage) every time

and then draw_myImage.text(.... is using the Draw.text method of the Image class...

(like I said - very much not a Python person!)

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

You'll need to change '1' to 'P' in the call to Image.new.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

I've changed the code to this to try and at least get some text to show on the screen, but I get error AttributeError: 'Image' object has no attribute 'text'

myImage = Image.new('P', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
draw_myImage = ImageDraw.Draw(myImage)
myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', 1, font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((200, 435), noViews, 5, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, 5,  font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((800, 500), today, 1, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, 'youtubeIcon.bmp'))
joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Oops, spotted that I missed out the draw_

But now I get TypeError: text() got multiple Values for argument 'fill'

myImage = Image.new('P', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
draw_myImage = ImageDraw.Draw(myImage)
draw_myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', 1, font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((200, 435), noViews, 5, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, 5,  font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((800, 500), today, 1, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, 'youtubeIcon.bmp'))
jerbzz commented 3 years ago
myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', 1, font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((200, 435), noViews, 5, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, 5,  font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
myImage.text((800, 500), today, 1, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)

These should be draw_myImage.text(...

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Yeh, I added those back in, but get TypeError now.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Well, it's still progress - what exact error? The "parameters" ((312, 360), 'OIK', 1, font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0) etc have to be in the right order.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Removed the 1 and the screen refreshes now, but it's just a full black screen now:

myImage = Image.new('P', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
draw_myImage = ImageDraw.Draw(myImage)
draw_myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((200, 435), noViews, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((475, 435), noSubs, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
draw_myImage.text((800, 500), today, font = intuitive_font, fill = 0)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, 'youtubeIcon.bmp'))
joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Well, it's still progress - what exact error? The "parameters" ((312, 360), 'OIK', 1, font = hanken_bold_font, fill = 0) etc have to be in the right order.

I got TypeError: text() got multiple Values for argument 'fill' with the 1

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Yeah, you're not telling it a colour. Try this:

draw_myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', epd.BLACK, font=hanken_bold_font) etc - not sure about the fill stuff.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Yeah, you're not telling it a colour. Try this:

draw_myImage.text((312, 360), 'OIK', epd.BLACK, font=hanken_bold_font) etc - not sure about the fill stuff.

Thanks but still giving me a black screen. I do see the screen flash to white when I run the code, but then it just all goes to black. Is there a way I can just make it display a string of text without using any variables first to check if there is anything else affecting the code?

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Hmm, sure... here's the bare minimum that should draw some text... remember I have never even seen an Impression let alone written any code for one 😛 I'm also not sure what the default image colour is - I think black but not sure - so we will draw some red text and hope it shows up

# import essential modules
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from font_intuitive import Intuitive
from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky

#instantiate classes and methods
inky_display = Inky()
img = Image.new("P", inky_display.resolution)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, 50)

#draw some text near the top left corner (I assume)
draw.text((25,25), "Hello, World!", inky_display.RED, font=intuitive_font)

#make it do a do
inky_display.set_image(img, saturation=0.5)
joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Wow @jerbzz , your code worked first time running. It gives a black background and red text. I've edited your code and finally managed to get it to show the text I need. I'm playing around with the X and Y co-ordinates now to align them into the correct places. However, I'm facing two problems now:

1) I can't get the variables from the YouTube subs and views API to show correctly. I don't get any errors, but it just shows as 0.

2) The YouTube logo bitmap doesn't show. I'm not sure whether it's because the background is black and so it's not showing properly. I've looked through the colour-palette.py but can't see where the "P" @Gadgetoid referred to in the code to change it to a different color.

Getting real close now. Thanks @jerbzz !!

The code now:

import sys
import os
import requests

from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky
from time import sleep
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium
from font_intuitive import Intuitive

inky_display = Inky()
from datetime import date
today = str(date.today())

# Get the current path
PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# Set up the structure of the API request URL

URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels"
type = "statistics"
channelid = "XXXXXX"
apikey = "XXXXXX"
PARAMS = {('part', type), ('id',channelid), ('key',apikey)}

#Get API results

r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)
data = r.json()
subscribers = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['subscriberCount'])
totalviews = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'])

#Convert results to a string and format numbers with commas

noViews = 'Views:   ' + f"{totalviews:,d}"
noSubs = 'Subscribers:   ' + f"{subscribers:,d}"

# Load the fonts

intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, int(22))
hanken_bold_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskBold, int(35))
hanken_medium_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(16))

img = Image.new("P", inky_display.resolution)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, 50)

draw.text((25, 25), 'Channel Name', inky_display.RED, font=hanken_medium_font)
draw.text((80, 80), noViews, inky_display.RED, font=intuitive_font)
draw.text((120, 120), noSubs, inky_display.RED, font=intuitive_font)
draw.text((250, 250), today, inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_medium_font)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH, "SubCountTemplate.jpg"))
inky_display.set_image(img, saturation=0.5)
jerbzz commented 3 years ago

That's gone well!

For the viewer count variables etc, try adding print(data) after data = r.json() - you may well get a big mess of output but it will at least show you if the data is even being retrieved from the API.

(I've also assumed that you have got the real channelid and apikey in your code?)

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

For the logo, I think you need img.paste(bmp, (150,150)) or whatever other coordinates (top left corner) after bmp = Image.open (I assume you have SubCountTemplate.jpg in the same folder as this script?)

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

@jerbzz YOU ARE A LEGEND!! Thanks so much!

Managed to get the bmp to display now and sorted out all the alignment. It's all working great. One last thing I need to get right is:

1) How can I get it to display the bmp (YouTube) icon to show in RED instead of black? 2) The background is still BLACK. Where can I set the color for the bg to WHITE? 3) Set a timer for it to refresh every hour

The code now:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
import argparse
import requests

from inky.auto import auto
from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky
from time import sleep
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium
from font_intuitive import Intuitive

inky_display = Inky()

from datetime import datetime
today = str(datetime.today())

# Get the current path

PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# Set up the structure of the API request URL

URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels"
type = "statistics"
channelid = "XXXXX"
apikey = "XXXXX"
PARAMS = {('part', type), ('id',channelid), ('key',apikey)}

# Get API results

r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)
data = r.json()
subscribers = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['subscriberCount'])
totalviews = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'])

# Convert results to a string and format numbers with commas

noViews = 'Views:   ' + f"{totalviews:,d}"
noSubs = 'Subscribers:   ' + f"{subscribers:,d}"

# Create a new canvas to draw on

img = Image.new("P", inky_display.resolution)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

# Load the fonts

intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, int(35))
hanken_bold_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskBold, int(35))
hanken_medium_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(25))
hanken_small_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(12))

draw.text((275, 230), 'OIK', inky_display.RED, font=intuitive_font)
draw.text((100, 300), noViews, inky_display.RED, font=hanken_medium_font)
draw.text((300, 300), noSubs, inky_display.RED, font=hanken_medium_font)
draw.text((476, 428), today, inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_small_font)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH, "youtubeIcon2.bmp"))
bmp2 = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH, "youtubelogo.bmp"))
img.paste(bmp, (200,50))
img.paste(bmp2, (235,355))
inky_display.set_image(img, saturation=1)
jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Hey sorry, not had much time for this today. For the background, try this before draw.text:

for x in range (0, inky_display.width):
    for y in range (0, inky_display.height):
        inky_display.set_pixel(x, y, inky_display.WHITE)
jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Can you share a link to the exact files you're using for the icons?

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

No worries @jerbzz , any help is greatly appreciated!

I have the code as this now, but it still doesn't change the background to white. Could there be an issue with the "P" variable in img = Image.new("P", inky_display.resolution) ?

import sys
import os
import argparse
import requests

from inky.auto import auto
from inky.inky_uc8159 import Inky
from time import sleep
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium
from font_intuitive import Intuitive

inky_display = Inky()

from datetime import datetime
today = str(datetime.today())

# Get the current path

PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# Set up the structure of the API request URL

URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels"
type = "statistics"
channelid = "XXXXXX"
apikey = "XXXXXXX"
PARAMS = {('part', type), ('id',channelid), ('key',apikey)}

# Get API results

r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)
data = r.json()
subscribers = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['subscriberCount'])
totalviews = int(data['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'])

# Convert results to a string and format numbers with commas

noViews = 'Views:   ' + f"{totalviews:,d}"
noSubs = 'Subscribers:   ' + f"{subscribers:,d}"

# Create a new canvas to draw on

img = Image.new("P", inky_display.resolution)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

# Load the fonts

intuitive_font = ImageFont.truetype(Intuitive, int(35))
hanken_bold_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskBold, int(35))
hanken_medium_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(25))
hanken_small_font = ImageFont.truetype(HankenGroteskMedium, int(12))

for x in range (0, inky_display.width):
    for y in range (0, inky_display.height):
        inky_display.set_pixel(x, y, inky_display.WHITE)

draw.text((275, 230), 'OIK', inky_display.WHITE, font=intuitive_font)
draw.text((100, 300), noViews, inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_medium_font)
draw.text((300, 300), noSubs, inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_medium_font)
draw.text((476, 428), today, inky_display.WHITE, font=hanken_small_font)
bmp = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH, "youtubeIcon2.bmp"))
bmp2 = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH, "youtubelogo.bmp"))
img.paste(bmp, (200,50))
img.paste(bmp2, (235,355))
inky_display.set_image(img, saturation=1)
joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

The YouTube bmps are here:

youtubeIcon2.bmp: https://ibb.co/XF7sPvw

youtubelogo.bmp: https://ibb.co/wg5s2Q2

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

I think we need to draw a white rectangle on the image rather than setting pixels and then drawing an image...

Delete the bit I did before and try this in the same place (before draw.text...)

draw.rectangle([(0,0), (inky_display.width, inky_display.height)], fill=inky_display.WHITE, outline=inky_display.WHITE)

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Spot on @jerbzz !! Showing white background at last!! Thank you!!!!

I've managed to get the YouTube logo to show pinkish now. For some reason it won't show the full RED even though that's one of the 7 colors. I'm not sure whether it's the problem with the BMP file since the original tutorial with the Waveshare display required the bmp to be in full black. I've used RED in the logo now, but it shows pink instead.

Is the correct way to set a variable with the display command or does the bmp itself have to be changed in some way to show RED as it should? Do I need to play around with dithering the bmp?

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

Using the example image.py for the impression, I can display red bmp perfectly using the image.py command, do I need to call to the same command via my code?

python3 image.py sampleREDscreen.jpg

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

what happens if you display your exact image file (which are PNGs, not BMPs) using the command above?

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

It still shows as pink. I notice that it's actually made up of red and white pixels, giving a pinkish color. I've tried with JPG, BMP and PNG.

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Where are you finding "sampleREDscreen.jpg"?

jerbzz commented 3 years ago


What happens if you try to display this?

Also can I see a picture of what you're getting?

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

I've just tried using a BLUE version of the logo, and for some reason it shows up reddish on the display, it looks more red than the actual RED version. Am I using the wrong RGB values?

BLUE version: https://ibb.co/4JT3LXf RED version: https://ibb.co/sKM5qC8

jerbzz commented 3 years ago

Yeah probably - it looks like to paste images like that they have to be correctly palletised... I can't see where that's documented. I'll have a quick look at the code and a guess, bear with.

joejoethejoey commented 3 years ago

I just tried taking a photo of it, you can see the text for CHANNEL NAME is more red than the YouTube logo:
