pimoroni / mlx90640-library

Python library for the MLX90640 thermal camera
Apache License 2.0
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Camera I2C issues #32

Closed SushanTiwari closed 4 years ago

SushanTiwari commented 5 years ago

I am using MLX90640 IR camera with my PI 3 B. The camera is on PIM366 from digikey. The problem I am is with I2C. I checked the i2c configurations which is 0x33 and checked with i2cdetect on pi console and got the address. Later I started working on getting libraries and codes setup. Now I am having errors with I2C. Its not detecting any address. When I compile everything I get this error "frameData timeout error waiting for dataready. Failed to get frame data." I have the SDA and SCA connected to pin 3 and 5 of pi. I doubt its the coonections issues but couldn't find what it is. EDIT:I got the I2c error fixed now when i run fbuf it gives mr cnt> 4 error continuously

Gadgetoid commented 5 years ago

The MLX90640 is also extremely timing sensitive-

  1. Are you using the Python or C libraries
  2. What framerate are you trying to run the camera at
  3. How is it wired to SDA/SCL?
  4. Is there anything else on that i2c bus.
SushanTiwari commented 5 years ago

Are you using the Python or C libraries -> I am using the C library. What framerate are you trying to run the camera at -> I am working on the 8 FPS, as unchanged from this library I cloned, How is it wired to SDA/SCL? -> The SDA/SCL are conneced directly to pin 3 and 5 of Pi. Is there anything else on that i2c bus. -> No there is nothing on i2c bus. I am getting I2C read error this time.