pimoroni / pirate-audio

Examples and documentation for the Pirate Audio range of Raspberry Pi add-ons
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pirate-audio display for Kodi #15

Open zicmama opened 4 years ago

zicmama commented 4 years ago

Any ideas to help using pirate-audio display with Kodi. https://www.opendisplaycase.com/kodidisplayinfo-program.html

Gadgetoid commented 4 years ago

I guess if Kodi Display Info still works it at least shows it's possible. Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth to support any additional platforms. Keeping up with Mopidy is already hard enough!

Displaying X media info on Y display is the domain of PiDi ("Pirate Display" - https://github.com/pimoroni/pidi). Or at least intended to be. PiDi is very strongly minded toward music but I don't see any reason why a client plugin couldn't make it work for Kodi.

You should raise an issue over at https://github.com/pimoroni/pidi/issues and hope someone swoops in (it might be me, when I'm less busy) and adds support.

hgroll commented 4 years ago

Maybe you have more success with KodiDisplayInfo if you use the PiDi as a frame buffer device (driver/staging/fbtft/fb_st7789v.ko) under Linux. I had a bit of success (with some flaws) with this device tree overlay I've put together.

Just compile it with the device tree compiler as an overlay: dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o pidi.dtbo pidi-overlay.dts place it in /boot/overlays/pidi.dtbo and include the overlay in the raspberry pi config /boot/config.txt: dtoverlay=pidi Tested with Linux pi 4.19.66-v7+ Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1.