pimoroni / propeller-hat

Propeller HAT library code, examples, documentation and SPIN source
MIT License
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feature request: a C/C++ API lib for Raspbian #5

Closed shiftleftplusone closed 7 years ago

shiftleftplusone commented 8 years ago

feature request: a gcc/g++ C/C++ API lib for Raspbian would be very much appreciated! (compatibility to pthread, wiringPi and pigpio necessary)

Gadgetoid commented 8 years ago

This is an interesting suggestion. Would you envision a "Firmata" style API where the C/C++ API controls the Propeller HAT via a pre-uploaded binary, or something else?

The Python SerialIO library contains a binary blob which it uploads to the Propeller before taking control, via serial, of its GPIO pins with a simple protocol. This could be replicated in C quite trivially.

shiftleftplusone commented 8 years ago

I don't know firmata, something like the Arduino Sketch API commands would be nice but either suggestions are appreciated, most of all: there will be simple C commands available!