pimox / pimox7

Proxmox V7 for Raspberry Pi
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enable wifi of pi4 #126

Open mirko8054 opened 1 year ago

mirko8054 commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone, on my pi4 i have pimox installed along with its VMs, by default the wifi is disabled with rfkill, which i manually re enable. The goal is to use my raspberry (besides proxmox ve) as router AP, gets internet through ethernet and comes out from wifi as access point. following a guide, once i setupped all the settings, i am unable to set link up for the wlan0, literally doesnt work, any solution?

avlisiur78 commented 1 year ago

Hi, use a external Wi-Fi card, and passthrough the usb to the VM, for now I believe it's not possible to share the internal Wi-Fi card.

varoudis commented 1 year ago

on-board WIFI works. I run it in AP mode on 5Ghz/80Mhz and I have bridged it with ETH. I run an openwrt that offers DHCP and a inet gateway to the bridge via a USB WIFI card (USB passthrough).

automationxpert commented 1 year ago

on-board WIFI works. I run it in AP mode on 5Ghz/80Mhz and I have bridged it with ETH. I run an openwrt that offers DHCP and a inet gateway to the bridge via a USB WIFI card (USB passthrough).

Could you share us the steps to use the on-board Wifi in raspberry Pi.

VocanicZ commented 2 weeks ago

I randomly found the way usibg RPI4 on board wifi. Please follow these steps.

Check your pci network hardware using lshw

lshw -C network

output are something like this

    description: Ethernet interface
    physical id: 1
    logical name: eth0
    serial: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    size: 1Gbit/s
    capacity: 1Gbit/s
    capabilities: ethernet physical tp
    configuration: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*-network:1 DISABLED        
    description: Wireless interface
    physical id: 2
    logical name: wlan0
    serial: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    capabilities: ethernet physical wireless
    configuration: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

As you can see Wireless interface are marked as DISABLED

Now mark the interface as active by using ifconfig

ifconfig <logical name> up

in my case logical name was wlan0

execute lshw -C network again to check that DISABLED are gone

If your wireless device are blocked, enable it using rfkill and try ifconfig <logical name> up again

rfkill unblock wifi

If everything set up correctly, you can be able to connect to the wifi even if ethernet was on.

nmcli dev wifi list

if you got Error: NetworkManager is not running. execute this and try nmcli dev wifi list again

systemctl start NetworkManager

output are something like this

IN-USE  BSSID              SSID                   MODE   CHAN  RATE        SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY  
        xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  NathanielSong          Infra  44    270 Mbit/s  100     ▂▄▆█  WPA1 WPA2 
        xx:xx:xx:x:xxx:xx  VocanicZ_5G            Infra  52    270 Mbit/s  97      ▂▄▆█  WPA1 WPA2 

Now you can just easily connect to the SSID using nmcli

nmcli dev wifi connect <SSID> password "<Pass>"

All done. If you want to bridge this WLAN over vm/lxc just configure NAT by following this

please mark as resolved if this help.