pimterry / grunt-coveralls

:umbrella: Grunt task to load coverage results and submit them to Coveralls.io
MIT License
48 stars 9 forks source link

"done without erros" message #13

Open lucasfeliciano opened 9 years ago

lucasfeliciano commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to setup my project to work with trevor ci + coveralls.

When I try to execute grunt coveralls here is the output: screen shot 2015-06-28 at 07 47 39

But nothing happens on coveralls website.

pimterry commented 9 years ago

It's difficult to debug this without more information. Could you send me a link to an example repo, and preferably the travis build too? Or at least the Grunt config? That'd make it much easier to tell what exactly is going on here.

lucasfeliciano commented 9 years ago

Sorry for do not include the details:

Here is the repo https://github.com/lucasfeliciano/restling/tree/develop

Blanket.js it is already setup.