pimterry / notes

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Option to sync with git automatically #12

Open jacobmischka opened 7 years ago

jacobmischka commented 7 years ago

I think it might be nice to have some kind of automatic git integration. Since gdrive still isn't a first class citizen on Linux and I don't use any other sync service, some kind of git hooks would be a great alternative for me, and I would assume others.

This is a neat helper, great idea!

jacobmischka commented 7 years ago

Oh ha I just realized this is already in the README, nice. I'm going to look into trying it myself, but I'm not particularly good at bash so we'll see how that goes.

pimterry commented 7 years ago

Yep, I'd love to have this, but it will be quite difficult to do well. Before you dig in too much, I should point out there's quite a few things I'd really like out of a solution to this:

If I were you I'd be quite tempted to play with this as a layer outside this project, to start with at least, and see whether that solves everything (and where the gaps are, if it doesn't). Try building something into your editor of choice for example that automatically commits changes on save, and then just add a git repo in your notes folder, and use that. There's probably a pretty easy route there that gives you a nicely working solution which clicks together easily with notes but doesn't need to actually be baked into notes directly. Try that, see if it works for the basics, and see what notes is missing to make it work really well.

jacobmischka commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the ideas!

ecksun commented 7 years ago

I think pass's git integration is a good inspiration, it solves all of your listed concerns (well, I don't know about platform agnosticism as I never use neither osx nor windows).

primis commented 6 years ago

Here's my take on it:

pimterry commented 6 years ago

The approach overall sounds good to me. A couple of questions on the details:

primis commented 6 years ago
  1. Fair enough point config options work fine. A notes config might get a bit too complicated, maybe later on.

  2. when opened in that context meant "whenever you open a note through notes, the editor will run, then after you exit the editor, git functions will run."

  3. I'm not sure, we'll have to figure this one out

  4. Git merge would automatically come up anyway unless we suppress it, so that's a decent solution. We can also go the dropbox route and create a "conflicted copy". Up for discussion

PhilTaken commented 6 years ago

Is anybody actively working on this? I'd be interested myself.

JoshuaCrewe commented 6 years ago

This is an interesting feature to me too. I ended up using sparkle share to do the same thing ( with the added benefit of being able to sync not note things ).