pimterry / notes

:pencil: Simple delightful note taking, with more unix and less lock-in.
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Tag support for notes #77

Closed bmorashad closed 4 years ago

bmorashad commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

it would be really cool if we can add multiple tags to a note This is already an awesome app tnx <3

pimterry commented 4 years ago

You could sort-of do this right now by just including #mytag at the end of your note, and searching with notes grep '#mytag'.

Is there a specific case where built-in support would work better?

If so, can you give me an example of the UX you'd like for that? Do you want something you can write inline in the note, or a notes tag <notename> <tag> command, or something else?

bmorashad commented 4 years ago

Ahaaa yes! I can use that actually. I think that's enough for my use-case...Cool! notes tag <notename> <tag> might be convenient to add tags, but not necessary for my use case. Actually I could make an alias to do that ;)

drewdaemon commented 6 months ago

My 2 🪙: it would be nice to have notes support tags officially.

Tags could be added to the body of a note via a pattern similar to Jekyll's front matter or as described above, via a hashtag.

Then, an option could be added to find

notes find --tag="recipes"

The ability to add tags via the command line as discussed above could be a nice bonus.

notes tag <notename> <tag>