Closed ei14 closed 1 year ago
A cumbersome workaround: Delete the first instance of the event, then quit the app. Reopen and delete the second instance. This is repeatable and appears to work reliably, just as long as, specifically, no more than 1 instance of the same event is deleted without restarting the app.
I tried again with khal, version 0.11.3.div39+g8fcfc8f
on a fresh VirtualBox install of Debian 11, and I was unable to reproduce the bug. It appears the issue was fixed in version 0.11.3. (Should I delete this issue entirely?)
Thanks for reporting this. I thought we fixed this already with 0.11.2, but then it looks like it's time for a new release.
Leave it as it is, not a problem.
Describe the bug When deleting 2 or more instances of a recurring event, only the first instance is deleted. It seems that upon quitting, some time after ikhal makes the write for the first deletion, ikhal crashes before it is able to make the write for the second deletion.
Stack Trace
To Reproduce
Expected behavior The event in the above example should've been deleted on both dates, as would be possible if deleting multiple instances of a recurring event was possible.
OS, version, khal version and how you installed it:
khal, version 0.11.2
, the standard Arch Linux package managerPython 3.11.3
Contents of
:[locale] timeformat = %I:%M %p dateformat = %m/%d/%Y longdateformat = %m/%d/%Y datetimeformat = %m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p longdatetimeformat = %m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p local_timezone = CST6CDT firstweekday = 6
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