pimutils / khal

:calendar: CLI calendar application
MIT License
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[WIP] support plugins that implement new commands #1309

Closed geier closed 2 months ago

geier commented 8 months ago

This is rebased onto color theme plugins and the json import branch.

Initial support for plugins that implement commands.

Example (put this file at ~/.local/share/khal/plugins/overview/__init__.py):

from khal.api import register_command
from khal.cli import multi_calendar_option

import click

@click.command('overview', short_help='Show an overview of the calendar')
def overview(include_calendar, exclude_calendar, args=None):
    print('hello from overview')
    print('Got the following options:')

register_command('overview', overview)

Major issue: you cannot import khal.cli in your command plugin, that would lead to a circular import. We might want to restructure a bit.

Supporting command plugins would make it easy to ship new commands to users without including them directly into khal (which we could always decide to do if they are matured and there are people who maintain them). An example of this would be https://github.com/pimutils/khal/pull/1211.

Note to self: documentation/inspiration: https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/complex/

geier commented 8 months ago

Here is a longer example (the converted command from #1211) (can be for example with khal navigate -y 2023 -m 5 -w 3):

import calendar as cl

from khal.api import register_command
from khal.cli import multi_calendar_option, build_collection, multi_calendar_select
from khal.exceptions import FatalError
from khal import controllers

import click
import datetime as dt

# returns a couple of strings based on the date format, the first one is the first day of the indicated week number month number and year
# the second is the final day of the week
def parsing_daterange(
    assert week_number is not None
    assert month_number is not None
    assert year_number is not None


    if week_number is not None and month_number is not None and year_number is not None:

        first_day_week = dt.date(year_number, month_number, 1).isoweekday()
        init = 7-first_day_week+1
        if week_number == 1:
            date1 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,1)
            first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init)
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
        if week_number == 2:
            date1 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+1)
            first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+7)
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
        if week_number == 3:
            date1 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+8)
            first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+14)
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
        if week_number == 4:
            date1 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+15)
            first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+21)
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
        if week_number == 5:
            date1 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,init+22)
            first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
            if month_number != 12:
                tdelta = (dt.date(year_number,month_number+1,1)-dt.date(year_number,month_number,2))
            if month_number == 12:
                tdelta = (dt.date(year_number+1,1,1)-dt.date(year_number,month_number,2))
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,1) + tdelta
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
        daterange = first_date,second_date
        return daterange

@click.option('--agenda_format', '-f',
              help=('The format of the events.'))
@click.option('--week', '-w' ,help=('The number of the week: 1,2,3,4'))
@click.option('--month', '-m',help=('The number of the month: 1,2..12'))
@click.option('--year', '-y' ,help=('The year'))

@click.option('--day-format', '-df',
              help=('The format of the day line.'))
@click.option('--once', '-o', is_flag=True,
              help=('Print each event only once '
                    '(even if it is repeated or spans multiple days).')

@click.option('--notstarted', help=('Print only events that have not started.'),
def knavigate(ctx, include_calendar, exclude_calendar,week, month,year, agenda_format, notstarted, day_format, once):
    """List all events navigating by week, month or year."""
        dateformat = ctx.obj['conf']['locale']['dateformat']
        cal = cl.Calendar(0)
       # in the case we only gave the week
        if week is not None and month is None and year is None:
            week_number = int(week)
            # if the given week is between 1 and 5, it list the events of the week of the current month
            if 1 <= week_number <=5:
                month_number = dt.datetime.today().month
                year_number = dt.datetime.today().year
                dateRange = controllers.parsing_daterange(dateformat,week_number,month_number,year_number)
            # if the given week n is superior to 5, the week is considered as the nth week of the current year
            if  5 < week_number < 54 :
                year_number = dt.datetime.today().year
                a = week_number * 7
                strt_date = dt.date(year_number, 1, 1)
                date1 = strt_date + dt.timedelta(a -7)
                date2 = strt_date + dt.timedelta(a - 1)
                first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
                second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
                dateRange = first_date, second_date
            # week must be inferior to 54
            if week_number >= 54:
                raise click.BadParameter('The week option has to be inferior to 54'
                'The value 1 stands for the first week of the current month, the value 2 stands for the second week and so on...'
                'if the week chosen has a value superior to five, this will be applied to the current year; The value 6 stands'
                'for the sixth week of the current year and so on...'
        # in the case we gave week and year
        if week is not None and month is None and year is not None :
            week_number = int(week)
            year_number = int(year)
            init = 0
            for i in cal.itermonthdays(year_number,1) :
                if i != 0 :
                init += 1
            if (week_number < 52 and init > 1) or (week_number < 53 and init == 0) :
                a = week_number * 7
                if (init == 0) :
                    strt_date = dt.date(year_number, 1, 1)
                else :
                    strt_date = dt.date(year_number, 1, 8 - init)
                date1 = strt_date + dt.timedelta(a -7)
                date2 = strt_date + dt.timedelta(a - 1)
                first_date = date1.strftime(dateformat)
                second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
                dateRange = first_date, second_date
            elif (week_number >= 53 and init > 1) or (week_number >= 54 and init == 0) :
                raise click.BadParameter('The week option has to have a value of 1,2,3,4...53'
                'The value 1 stands for the first week of the chosen year, the value 2 stands for the second week and so on...'
            else :
                first_date = dt.date(year_number, 12, 31 - init+1).strftime(dateformat)
                second_date = dt.date(year_number + 1, 1, 8 - init -1).strftime(dateformat)
                dateRange = first_date, second_date

         #in the case we only gave month
        if week is None and month is not None and year is None:
            month_number = int(month)
            if 1 <= month_number <= 12:
                year_number = dt.datetime.today().year
                if month_number != 12 :
                    tdelta = (dt.date(year_number,month_number+1,1)-dt.date(year_number,month_number,2))
                if month_number == 12 :
                    tdelta = (dt.date(year_number+1,1,1)-dt.date(year_number,month_number,2))
                first_date = (dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,1)).strftime(dateformat)
                date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,month_number,1) + tdelta
                second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
                dateRange = first_date, second_date
                raise click.BadParameter('The month option has to have a value of 1,2...12, '
                'The value 1 stands for the first month...The value 2 stands for the last month'
        # in the case we only gave year
        if week is None and month is None and year is not None:
            year_number = int(year)
            first_date = (dt.datetime(year_number,1,1)).strftime(dateformat)
            tdelta = (dt.date(year_number+1,1,1)-dt.date(year_number,12,2))
            date2 = dt.datetime(year_number,12,1) + tdelta
            second_date = date2.strftime(dateformat)
            dateRange = first_date, second_date

        #in the case we gave week, month and year
        if week is not None and month is not None and year is not None:
            week_number = int(week)
            month_number = int(month)
            year_number = int(year)
            try :
                weeksOfMonth = cal.monthdatescalendar(year_number, month_number)
                week = weeksOfMonth[week_number-1]
                first_date = week[0]
                second_date = week[6]
                for (index,day) in enumerate(week) :
                    if day.month == month_number - 1 or day.year == year_number - 1 :
                        first_date = week[index + 1]
                    if day.month == month_number + 1 or day.year == year_number + 1 :
                        second_date = week[index - 1]
                dateRange = first_date.strftime(dateformat), second_date.strftime(dateformat)

            except :
                raise click.BadParameter('The week option has to have a value of 1,2,3,4 or 5, '
                    'The value 1 stands for the first week, the value 2 stands for the second week and so on...'
                'The month option has to have a value of 1,2...12,'
                'The value 1 stands for the first month...The value 2 stands for the last month'

        event_column = controllers.khal_list(
                multi_calendar_select(ctx, include_calendar, exclude_calendar)
            env={"calendars": ctx.obj['conf']['calendars']}
        if event_column:

            logger.debug('No events found')

    except FatalError as error:
        logger.debug(error, exc_info=True)

register_command('navigate', knavigate)