pimutils / todoman

✅ A simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager.
ISC License
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Can't confirm installation - Fedora 36 #513

Closed fdoxgit closed 1 year ago

fdoxgit commented 1 year ago

After update, tried to install on Fedora 36.

sudo dnf install todoman Error: Unable to find a match: todoman

After confirming that Python3 is running version 3.10.9, I tried to install via PIP:

pip install todoman

Everything seems fine, but when I check for the version...

todoman --version bash: todoman: command not found...

Also, when setting up the configuration file (Home / .local / lib / python3.10 / site-packages / todoman / configuration.py), I'm not sure what to do. The sample configuration file on todoman.readthedocs.io is remarkably simpler than the default configuration file. Do I create a new config.py file in addition to the configuration.py file?

Sorry for the basic questions. I really want to use todoman and I'm hitting my threshold of understanding. Thank you in advance for any help.

WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago

The command is "todo". Eg:

todo --version

fdoxgit commented 1 year ago

Thank you