pimutils / todoman

✅ A simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager.
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Tasks template && time tracking #546

Open HumanG33k opened 4 months ago

HumanG33k commented 4 months ago


I m kind of organize not organize guy.

For ie some task just spawn sometimes and there are the same in terms of time and description. I asking myself if there is a way to add that tasks in order to keep an history and a kind of time tracking.

Let's make a fully example. I found an issue during an installation process, so i go on the project gitlab and open an issue. After that i want to do a :

todo new project_issue 

That open to me an interactive tui already fill with a description, a title a start date (5 min before now) and a finish date (now). In that way i can easily keep a track of some tasks.

Maybe it can already be achieve throught a bash function ?


WhyNotHugo commented 4 months ago

Usually todos are tasks that are planned in future, with alarms, and todoman's filtering tends to "hide" competed tasks by default.

todo flush deletes all completed tasks. That might be a pretty dangerous command if using todoman to record history. Keep frequent backups.

I checked the spec for icalendar, and https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545#section- mentions:

Description: In a "VEVENT" calendar component the property may be used to specify a duration of the event, instead of an explicit end DATE-TIME. In a "VTODO" calendar component the property may be used to specify a duration for the to-do, instead of an explicit due DATE-TIME. In a "VALARM" calendar component the property may be used to specify the delay period prior to repeating an alarm. When the "DURATION" property relates to a "DTSTART" property that is specified as a DATE value, then the "DURATION" property MUST be specified as a "dur-day" or "dur-week" value.

So I guess you can use the duration field for time-tracking purposes. The UI currently doesn't expose it, but adding it should be straightforward (just another input field). I don't think that any field currently parses a duration right now.

todos do have a completion percent, so with the right. But I don't think that we have very convenient filtering via cli args.