pimutils / vdirsyncer

📇 Synchronize calendars and contacts.
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Support for managed attachments #595

Open geier opened 7 years ago

geier commented 7 years ago

I would like to see support for the recently proposed "managed attachements" in vdirsyncer and khal, see the draft for details.

From the caldeveloper mailing list I take it, that currently only Apple's client and server, and the CMU/Fastmail Cyrus server support it, but this is obviously a chicken and egg problem somebody will need to break.

So, we could just save all attachments in a new subfolder (e.g. attachements), but would need to transform the urls to something we can save on disk.

While we are at it, we could also think about supporting Time Zones by Reference.

I'll see if I can find the time to whip a PR together.

untitaker commented 7 years ago

Some other impressions:

geier commented 7 years ago

Adding or updating attachments is going be especially fun, because of the way adding and updating attachments works from the client. But if we are having any chance of influencing how this is going to work in the future, it is now (as they are currently asking for feedback).