pinacai / PINAC_Workspace

OpenSource & Cross-Platform alternative of "Copilot for Windows"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Introduce an Animation to Indicate AI Processing Post-Query Submissio #15

Closed RajeshTechForge closed 1 month ago

RajeshTechForge commented 1 month ago

I've been using our app and I've noticed that after submitting a query for AI processing, there isn't a clear indication that the system is working on it. This sometimes leaves me wondering if my request has been registered.

Enhancement Suggestion: I believe it would greatly enhance the user experience if we could introduce a small animation (like some loading line or a pulsating dot) that activates post-query submission. This visual cue would serve as a confirmation that the AI is processing the request and we just need to hang tight for a moment.


I’m on the lookout for enthusiastic contributors eager to tackle this enhancement. If you’re interested or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

DevanshArora312 commented 1 month ago

Hey! I'd like to contribute to the issue can you please assign it to me? Also its my first time contributing so do let me know if I must keep some things in mind.

RajeshTechForge commented 1 month ago

Hello @DevanshArora312 ,

Welcome to our repository, we are exited for your first contribution in our repository. I've assigned the issue to you. As a first-time contributor, here's a quick checklist:

  1. Read the Issue: Understand it thoroughly.
  2. Fork the Repository: Fork where the issue is.
  3. Create a Branch: Make a new branch.
  4. Make Changes: Work on the issue.
  5. Commit and Push: Save your changes.
  6. Submit a Pull Request: Open one from your branch.

Feel free to ask if you need more help. Happy contributing! 🚀

RajeshTechForge commented 1 month ago

This enhancement is completed by Devansh Arora [@DevanshArora312 ] 🎉