pinard / Pymacs

Emacs to Python interface
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Pymacs in marmalade is different #46

Open venson999 opened 11 years ago

venson999 commented 11 years ago

I installed pymacs0.25 emacs part form by package.el and python part by zipball downloaded from , but it did not work and the error was "TypeError: pymacs_load_helper() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)". I compared pymacs.el between marmalade and github, there were some differents, especifically the function pymacs-load who caused the error. Then I reinstalled emacs part by zipball, it works!

Is there something wrong my installation or marmalade version?

I work with emacs24.2.1 on windows7.

cillianderoiste commented 11 years ago

Same here, emacs 24.2.1 on Linux (NixOS).

offbyone commented 11 years ago

I've sent a pull request to address this