Closed RyanTG closed 1 year ago
Noting that a possible simple solution to the issue of list_within_range endpoint not including deleted locations might be to include lat lon fields in the user_submissions table and query that table in the endpoint instead of locations.
Closing as resolved.
This only solves the list_within_range issue (of user submissions from deleted locations being removed). The solution is the one noted in the comment above.
Setup: Execution:
Also, made a mistake the first time and didn't exclude "order" in the near
geocoder query (seen in this commit that was reverted. Without that, it only sorts by distance.
I don’t think I understand all the moving parts of this yet, but I will try to work it out.
1) when we use the list_within_range user submission endpoint, it only returns user submissions for existing locations. Sometimes machines are removed and then the location deleted, but those machine removal submissions are not returned after the location is deleted and so the activity is lost from the record.
2) locations are sometimes removed but then re-added. When they are, the new location has a new ID and brand new history.
Both points could be resolved if we did not delete locations but instead made them inactive.
We have an “active” flag on locations that we do not use.
Weekly auto-delete script could instead make locations inactive.
Website only displays active locations.
When location is added or submitted location is approved, active flag is automatically set.
Might be easier to instead use an “inactive” flag, and just have it set to null by default.
list_within_range endpoint includes inactive.
more later…