pinchbv / floor

The typesafe, reactive, and lightweight SQLite abstraction for your Flutter applications
Apache License 2.0
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Support embedded objects #9

Open vitusortner opened 5 years ago

vitusortner commented 5 years ago

An entity should be able to hold nested objects. There are different strategies for the implementation of this. One is, to embed all fields of the nested object in the surrounding object table.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Hola, de ante mano agradecer el gran trabajo que estás haciendo, en la librería room de Android siempre tuve un descontento y es que no se pudiera colocar usar variables solo para cargar dato de la consulta, ya que se debía colocar como un campo para que en la consulta lo tomará, esto es para el caso un join con otra tabla, no en todos los casos es necesario todo el objeto de otra clase, sería bueno que se agregara una opción al columnInfo que permita usar la variable para solo consulta.

vitusortner commented 5 years ago

Hi @willgsoft! I'm happy to see your interest in the library and would like to help. Unluckily, my Spanish skills are mediocre and Google Translate didn't help this time.

I think it would be beneficial for me and others to keep the conversation in English.

purplegamba commented 3 years ago

I've just run into an issue which I think relates to this. I have a "Day" entity, each of which has several "Temp" fields. The "Temp" object is a custom object which has 2 fields of its own - a double and a bool. I wrote a Type Converter so Floor will manage the Temp objects, but when I call an update method for a Day, the bool field of the Temp is not getting updated in the database. My theory is that the database does not recognize the change, as the Day still has the same Temp object - it doesn't "see" the change to the Temp object's property. I could be wrong though, I'm not sure I completely understand how Floor and Sql work. Any help would be appreciated.