pindexis / marker

The terminal command palette
MIT License
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Pipes and redirection #10

Open joepie91 opened 8 years ago

joepie91 commented 8 years ago

For composing multiple commands, it'd be useful if one could do something like the following:

curl | grep links<ctrl+space>

... where it would then search for grep links (but not the curl command before it), and then upon completion, result in something like this:

curl | grep -E 'https?:\/\/[^ ]+'

... so, in effect, only autocompleting the command you're currently writing - the same for > redirection.

This doesn't seem currently implemented, unless there's something I'm missing?

Great job otherwise, by the way :)

pindexis commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the proposition. Actually, this is one of two updates I'm planning to make(along with updating the shell script, to hide that 'maker get ""' command which shows up in the terminal). I just need to better organize my time :)

QiangF commented 5 years ago

This seems to be implemented already!