pinecone-io / pinecone-ts-client

The official TypeScript/Node client for the Pinecone vector database
Apache License 2.0
165 stars 36 forks source link

[Bug] Pinecone client doesn't initialize on Cloudfare workers or Vercel #164

Open Blaizzy opened 7 months ago

Blaizzy commented 7 months ago

Is this a new bug?

Current Behavior

When I try to initialise the client it throws errors

const pinecone = new Pinecone({
                apiKey: env.PINECONE_API_KEY,
                environment: env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT,

Cloudfare Error:

Error compiling schema, function code: const schema2 = scope.schema[2];const schema1 = scope.schema[1];return function validate1(data, {instancePath="", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData=data}={}){let vErrors = null;let errors = 0;if(!(((typeof data == "number") && (!(data % 1) && !isNaN(data))) && (isFinite(data)))){const err0 = {instancePath,schemaPath:"#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger/type",keyword:"type",params:{type: "integer"},message:"must be integer"};if(vErrors === null){vErrors = [err0];}else {vErrors.push(err0);}errors++;}if((typeof data == "number") && (isFinite(data))){if(data < 0 || isNaN(data)){const err1 = {instancePath,schemaPath:"#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger/minimum",keyword:"minimum",params:{comparison: ">=", limit: 0},message:"must be >= 0"};if(vErrors === null){vErrors = [err1];}else {vErrors.push(err1);}errors++;}}validate1.errors = vErrors;return errors === 0;}
EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
    at new Function (<anonymous>)
    at Ajv.compileSchema (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:10324:30)
    at Ajv.inlineOrCompile (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:10380:49)
    at Ajv.resolveRef (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:10374:47)
    at Object.code (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:12188:47)
    at keywordCode (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:10148:13)
    at file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:9874:25
    at CodeGen.code (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:8139:11)
    at CodeGen.block (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:8266:16)
    at schemaKeywords (file:///private/var/folders/c8/yj5plb7n12j4_dx2t602mjgw0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:9874:13) {
  stack: EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed…0000gn/T/tmp-36161-E863LF5hXPTq/index.js:9874:13),
  message: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context

Vercel Serverless/Edge functions:

ReferenceError: global not defined

Expected Behavior

I want to be able to run the pinecone client close to my LLM.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install the latest client
  2. Create a js file that initialises the client.

Relevant log output

No response


- **OS**:
- **Language version**:
- **Pinecone client version**:1.1.2

Additional Context

No response

PlasticLizard commented 7 months ago

Is there any workaround for this? Langchainjs requires 1.1.0 now, so I can't upgrade that without breaking in our cloudflare workers - hoping there is some alternative

kenju commented 7 months ago

@PlasticLizard AFAIU, the current workaround is to use the old deprecated PineconeClient in the meantime.

RickRyan26 commented 7 months ago

@kenju Do you have a working version number? I can't find one. Thanks!

PlasticLizard commented 7 months ago

I'm using 0.0.12

It sucks because that version conflicts with all LangChain versions prior to 0.0.159, so we're locked into the relatively distant past, but it seems the best that can be done at the moment to run on CloudFlare.

RickRyan26 commented 7 months ago

Oh nice, Thanks for the tip! No clue how elaborately you're using LangChain so this info might be worthless but if you're just using it for extending OpenAi, their new GPTs Assistants Beta API is making LangChain seem pretty obsolete to me.

kenju commented 7 months ago

@RickRyan26 Mine works with ^1.1.2 as well, the exported class is just marked as @deprecated and you need to use the deprecated methods. Here is an excerpt from my codebase:

import { PineconeClient } from '@pinecone-database/pinecone';
const pinecone = new PineconeClient()
await pinecone.init({
  apiKey: env.PINECONE_API_KEY,
  environment: env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT,
const index = pinecone.Index(env.PINECONE_INDEX_NAME)
const upsertResponse = await index.upsert({ upsertRequest: { vectors, } })
marpontes commented 6 months ago
  • "@pinecone-database/pinecone": "^1.1.2",
    • "langchain": "^0.0.211",

I managed to make it work on Cloudflare Workers with the following workaround:

  1. globals.d.ts

    declare global {
    var EdgeRuntime: string;
  2. index.ts

    globalThis.EdgeRuntime = "cloudflare" // the content doesn't really matter as long as it is a string
  3. whatever-your-file-is.ts

    const pinecone = new Pinecone({
    apiKey: env.PINECONE_API_KEY,
    environment: env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT

const pineconeIndex = pinecone.Index(env.PINECONE_INDEX_NAME);

// Langchain Vector Store vectorStore = await PineconeStore.fromExistingIndex( embeddings, { pineconeIndex } );

4. `wrangler.toml`
node_compat = true

rpatel15-hue commented 6 months ago

Facing same issue when deploying to Vercel Edge api.

Issue Details:

Attempted Solutions and Further Issues:

  1. Using Newer Pinecone Version:
    • Encountered the compilation error with the newer version of Pinecone, as detailed above.
  2. Using Deprecated PineconeClient:
    • Using the deprecated PineconeClient leads to a type return mismatch. It returns VectorOperationsApi, which is not supported by Langchain. Langchain expects Index<RecordMetadata> from PineconeStore.fromExistingIndex.

Current Stance:

marpontes commented 6 months ago

@rpatel15-hue have you tried setting EdgeRuntime global variable?


rpatel15-hue commented 6 months ago

Hi @marpontes,

Thank you for your suggestion. I've attempted both the EdgeRuntime global variable approach and the unstable_allowDynamic configuration for Next.js, but I'm still encountering a compilation error.

Summary of my attempts:

1. EdgeRuntime global variable:

2. unstable_allowDynamic configuration:

Additional Questions (clarifications and additions):

  1. Equivalent to node_compat = true for Next.js: Is there a mechanism in Next.js that provides Node.js compatibility features for the Edge Runtime, similar to Cloudflare's node_compat = true?

  2. Alternative workarounds: Besides the EdgeRuntime variable, are there other known workarounds or compatibility approaches for using Pinecone with Langchain in Next.js Edge Runtime?

  3. Specific guidance for Next.js: The referenced commit (3671748) doesn't provide Next.js-specific instructions. Is there any further guidance or examples tailored for Next.js?

For more information on Edge Dynamic Code Evaluation in Next.js, you can refer to the official Next.js documentation.

I would appreciate any further insights or suggestions you might have, especially those relevant to the Next.js environment.

rpatel15-hue commented 6 months ago

Hi everyone,

I wanted to update you on my progress with deploying on Next.js while using Langchain and Pinecone. I've found a temporary workaround that seems to be effective for now:

  1. Pinecone Version Update: I upgraded Pinecone from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.2. While I'm not entirely sure if this was a decisive factor, it's part of the changes I made.

  2. Typo Correction in Configuration: I identified and corrected a typo in the configuration path. The original path ./node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/** was changed to /node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**. This adjustment appears to have had a significant impact.

  3. Working Configuration: For those trying to deploy on Next.js and encountering similar issues, here's the configuration that I used:

    export const config = {
     runtime: 'edge',
     unstable_allowDynamic: ['/node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**'],

I want to emphasize that this is a temporary workaround, and I'm not entirely sure whether the version update, the typo fix, or both together led to the success. However, after these changes, my application is now able to call the API in production without throwing errors.

I hope this workaround might be useful for others in a similar situation. If you're deploying on Next.js and using Langchain, you might want to give this configuration a try.

Would love to hear if this helps anyone else or if there are more permanent solutions being explored.

RickRyan26 commented 6 months ago

Hi everyone,

I wanted to update you on my progress with deploying on Next.js while using Langchain and Pinecone. I've found a temporary workaround that seems to be effective for now:

  1. Pinecone Version Update: I upgraded Pinecone from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.2. While I'm not entirely sure if this was a decisive factor, it's part of the changes I made.

  2. Typo Correction in Configuration: I identified and corrected a typo in the configuration path. The original path ./node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/** was changed to /node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**. This adjustment appears to have had a significant impact.

  3. Working Configuration: For those trying to deploy on Next.js and encountering similar issues, here's the configuration that I used:

    export const config = {
     runtime: 'edge',
     unstable_allowDynamic: ['/node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**'],

I want to emphasize that this is a temporary workaround, and I'm not entirely sure whether the version update, the typo fix, or both together led to the success. However, after these changes, my application is now able to call the API in production without throwing errors.

I hope this workaround might be useful for others in a similar situation. If you're deploying on Next.js and using Langchain, you might want to give this configuration a try.

Would love to hear if this helps anyone else or if there are more permanent solutions being explored.

Excited to try this thank you, sounds like a brilliant fix.

rafalzawadzki commented 5 months ago

Hi everyone, I wanted to update you on my progress with deploying on Next.js while using Langchain and Pinecone. I've found a temporary workaround that seems to be effective for now:

  1. Pinecone Version Update: I upgraded Pinecone from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.2. While I'm not entirely sure if this was a decisive factor, it's part of the changes I made.
  2. Typo Correction in Configuration: I identified and corrected a typo in the configuration path. The original path ./node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/** was changed to /node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**. This adjustment appears to have had a significant impact.
  3. Working Configuration: For those trying to deploy on Next.js and encountering similar issues, here's the configuration that I used:
    export const config = {
     runtime: 'edge',
     unstable_allowDynamic: ['/node_modules/@pinecone-database/pinecone/**'],

I want to emphasize that this is a temporary workaround, and I'm not entirely sure whether the version update, the typo fix, or both together led to the success. However, after these changes, my application is now able to call the API in production without throwing errors. I hope this workaround might be useful for others in a similar situation. If you're deploying on Next.js and using Langchain, you might want to give this configuration a try. Would love to hear if this helps anyone else or if there are more permanent solutions being explored.

Excited to try this thank you, sounds like a brilliant fix.

Hi @RickRyan26, did it work for you?

RickRyan26 commented 5 months ago

My team and I ended up going in a different direction so I'm not sure but I bet it will. Surprised pinecone hasn't fixed this yet

nicitaacom commented 4 months ago

@RickRyan26 Mine works with ^1.1.2 as well, the exported class is just marked as @deprecated and you need to use the deprecated methods. Here is an excerpt from my codebase:

Hey I have this issue


I just fixed it by installing old version of packages from here package.json

"@pinecone-database/pinecone": "^0.1.6",
"langchain": "^0.0.92",
ShravanSunder commented 3 months ago

I don't think node-fetch should imported if you are passing in a fetch function. This causes issues when using the pine cone library in plugins for rivet (v8 browser). Additionally, this would be an issue in cloudflare workers.

With node 18 LTS and after, not sure why we need an external library node-fetch as a default. node-fetch should be imported dynamically based on an option.

I think this would be the best way to make this package friendly across different runtimes. cc @jhamon

the user could easily just pass in any fetch function if a native fetch doesn't exist. This would easily solve a lot of issues in edge runtime.

    if (!this.config.fetch && typeof fetch === 'undefined') {
      throw new Error(
        'The Fetch API is not supported in this environment. Please provide an alternative, for example, node-fetch.'
zwily commented 2 weeks ago

Man this is disappointing... it's sort of rare these days to find client libraries that don't work on Cloudflare, or edge workers.