pinellolab / PrimeDesign

Software tool for the flexible design of pegRNAs and ngRNAs for prime editing!
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Flag duplicate ngRNA oligos when designing multiple guides #1

Open shayanhoss opened 3 years ago

shayanhoss commented 3 years ago

When designing multiple pegRNAs + ngRNAs for a given gene using the PE3 or PE3b strategy , the set of ngRNAs identified for each pegRNA may end up being the same sequence. To avoid manual quality control of sequences, duplication of purchases of oligos, and duplication of cloning, it would be useful to flag the ngRNA sequences output as duplicates or identical sequences at alert the user. Either adding another column to the output csv or a warning on the web tool / Docker output.

jyhsu15 commented 3 years ago

This is a great suggestion, I'll work on this shortly!