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list top three fun project? i am from elixir koan XD #1

Open zzz6519003 opened 1 year ago

pineman commented 1 year ago

@zzz6519003 hi friend! in the koan spirit, have you solved the last extra credit koan in the ruby koans? you don't have to do it in ruby of course. this is my implementation: my challenge was to separate IO from logic, using a state machine pattern (kinda like classic MVC imo!).

apart from that, I've recently made the first step into what I hope to be a sudoku game/solver (just because people close to me love sudoku, so they can play my game when/if I do it).

Next on my never-ending trello board is going through SICP.

I semi-abandoned my idea of rewriting this in elixir phoenix LiveView because I figured it would need too much javascript to be a good fit for liveview (but the websocket server could still be in elixir I guess!).

I also want to complete at least one year of Advent Of Code (doesn't have to be in december!) as I haven't done that yet.

Language related, I'd like to rewrite a college project in Rust to learn it, going through books like Learn Your Some Erlang, learning common lisp with sbcl + emacs + slime, ... (the list is never ending as I said!)

My ultimate long term personal project is to build something big like a SQL database or an actor (or CSP) VM runtime like the BEAM (or Go). What I'd really like is to have a big system/product with huge scale/load outside of work, because I love distributed systems, but I don't think that's going to happen for obvious reasons! The Gossip Glomers distributed systems challenges are really cool though

Finally, there's always this: image