pingcap / docs-tidb-operator

Documentation for TiDB on Kubernetes in both English and Chinese.
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After deploying TiDB monitering services,basic-tidb-0 and basic-tikv-0 are not shown on the pod status. #1774

Open Omari-00 opened 2 years ago

Omari-00 commented 2 years ago


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Omari-00 commented 2 years ago

I followed Get Started with TiDB Operator in Kubernetes step by step,and at the third step after I deploying TiDB monitering services ,I only found basic-discovery,basic-monitor and basic-pd-0(the first two status is running,while the third status is pending)

DanielZhangQD commented 2 years ago

When PD is not ready during creation, the TiKV and TiDB Pods will not be created. Please refer to the doc to check why PD is pending.