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Failed to execute question: 'Query execution timeout.' #1179

Closed 634750802 closed 1 year ago

634750802 commented 1 year ago

Hi, it's failed to execute question

Question title

The number of projects have got over 5000 PRs

Error message

Query execution timeout.

Generated SQL

  COUNT(*) AS `pr_count`
  `github_events` AS `ge`
  INNER JOIN `github_repos` AS `gr` ON `ge`.`repo_id` = `gr`.`repo_id`
  `ge`.`type` = 'PullRequestEvent'
  AND `ge`.`action` = 'opened'
  `pr_count` > 5000

Chart info

  "chartName": "NumberCard",
  "title": "The number of projects have got over 5000 PRs",
  "value": "pr_count"
Mini256 commented 1 year ago

Execution Plan:

| id                               | estRows | task      | access object                                                                                                                 | operator info                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Projection_14                    | 200.00  | root      |                                                                                                                               | gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_name, Column#61                                                                                                                                                                         |
| └─Limit_17                       | 200.00  | root      |                                                                                                                               | offset:0, count:200                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
|   └─Selection_19                 | 200.00  | root      |                                                                                                                               | gt(Column#61, 5000)                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
|     └─StreamAgg_28               | 200.00  | root      |                                                                                                                               | group by:gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_name, funcs:count(1)->Column#61, funcs:firstrow(gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_name)->gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_name                                                    |
|       └─IndexJoin_112            | 200.00  | root      |                                                                                                                               | inner join, inner:IndexReader_111, outer key:gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_id, inner key:gharchive_dev.github_events.repo_id, equal cond:eq(gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_id, gharchive_dev.github_events.repo_id)  |
|         ├─IndexReader_116(Build) | 2304.20 | root      |                                                                                                                               | index:IndexFullScan_115                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|         │ └─IndexFullScan_115    | 2304.20 | cop[tikv] | table:gr, index:index_gr_on_repo_name(repo_name)                                                                              | keep order:true                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
|         └─IndexReader_111(Probe) | 200.00  | root      | partition:pull_request_event                                                                                                  | index:IndexRangeScan_110                                                                                                                                                                                                |
|           └─IndexRangeScan_110   | 200.00  | cop[tikv] | table:ge, index:index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_action_month_actor_login(repo_id, type, action, event_month, actor_login) | range: decided by [eq(gharchive_dev.github_events.repo_id, gharchive_dev.github_repos.repo_id) eq(gharchive_dev.github_events.type, PullRequestEvent) eq(gharchive_dev.github_events.action, opened)], keep order:false |

May be it should use tiflash to execute it, which is only cost 15.435s:

SELECT /*+ read_from_storage(tiflash[ge, gr]) */
  COUNT(*) AS `pr_count`
  `github_events` AS `ge`
  INNER JOIN `github_repos` AS `gr` ON `ge`.`repo_id` = `gr`.`repo_id`
  `ge`.`type` = 'PullRequestEvent'
  AND `ge`.`action` = 'opened'
  `pr_count` > 5000
Mini256 commented 1 year ago

If you optimize this SQL to reduce the unnecessary join in the following way, it only costs 2.549s.

WITH top200repos AS (
        COUNT(*) AS `pr_count`
        `github_events` AS `ge`
        `ge`.`type` = 'PullRequestEvent'
        AND `ge`.`action` = 'opened'
        `pr_count` > 5000
    LIMIT 200
SELECT gr.repo_id, gr.repo_name, tr.pr_count
FROM github_repos gr
JOIN top200repos tr ON gr.repo_id = tr.repo_id 
ORDER BY tr.pr_count DESC
| repo_id   | repo_name                                               | pr_count |
| 408476462 | mhutchinson/mhutchinson-distributor                     | 282409   |
| 7833168   | elastic/kibana                                          | 90931    |
| 19745004  | odoo/odoo                                               | 77538    |
| 53436532  | sauron-demo/sauron                                      | 54807    |
| 3638964   | ansible/ansible                                         | 45823    |
| 356421872 | test-organization-kkjeer/bot-validation-2               | 45442    |
| 44838949  | apple/swift                                             | 44109    |
| 316625790 | itsprivate/ts                                           | 43123    |
| 157935408 | rdxvsrmv/OfficeDocs-OfficeUpdates-test                  | 36689    |
| 873328    | getsentry/sentry                                        | 34134    |
| 75224144  | openshift/release                                       | 32594    |
| 126398186 | argo-testing/app                                        | 31847    |
| 163379278 | OPS-E2E-PPE/E2E_DocFxV3                                 | 30862    |
| 15111821  | grafana/grafana                                         | 28957    |
| 28457823  | freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp                               | 28720    |
| 27193779  | nodejs/node                                             | 28136    |
| 51478266  | kubernetes/website                                      | 27166    |
| 11789497  | ideatest1/PullRequestTest                               | 26295    |
| 8495499   | civicrm/civicrm-core                                    | 24476    |
| 2928948   | Azure/azure-sdk-for-java                                | 22897    |
| 7691631   | moby/moby                                               | 22464    |
| 376950716 | boost-e2e-stage-ci-buildkite/non-main-pr                | 22439    |
| 56942570  | Homebrew/linuxbrew-core                                 | 22341    |
| 24195339  | angular/angular                                         | 21978    |
| 81908100  | OPS-E2E-PPE/E2E_DocsBranch_Dynamic                      | 21110    |
| 4508653   | ocaml/opam-repository                                   | 20835    |
| 20587599  | apache/flink                                            | 20732    |
| 201546443 | trustwallet/assets                                      | 20720    |
| 2928944   | Azure/azure-sdk-for-net                                 | 20637    |
| 35890081  | dotnet/docs                                             | 19979    |
| 4127088   | Azure/azure-sdk-for-python                              | 19491    |
| 33202667  | department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website             | 19199    |
| 60243197  | nextcloud/server                                        | 18833    |
| 380926508 | killah-t-cell/NeuralPDE.jl                              | 18174    |
| 27561102  | stamparm/maltrail                                       | 18170    |
| 22442668  | openshift/origin                                        | 18151    |
| 30092893  | dotnet/coreclr                                          | 17672    |
| 23083156  | mui/material-ui                                         | 17348    |
| 6763587   | PrestaShop/PrestaShop                                   | 16907    |
| 97922418  | leanprover-community/mathlib                            | 16560    |
| 108311273 | Azure/azure-sdk-for-js                                  | 16536    |
| 5367323   | akeneo/pim-community-dev                                | 16405    |
| 281500451 | Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg                                   | 16382    |
| 492880233 | scalr-automation/terraform-scalr-flat-mirror2           | 16219    |
| 27737393  | qmk/qmk_firmware                                        | 16008    |
| 249223036 | nomunomu0504/covid19                                    | 15985    |
| 791611    | mono/mono                                               | 15721    |
| 32873313  | systemd/systemd                                         | 15555    |
| 110198384 | brave/brave-core                                        | 15423    |
| 196353673 | taosdata/TDengine                                       | 14918    |
| 2967233   | DataDog/documentation                                   | 14902    |
| 142542006 | yunionio/cloudpods                                      | 14785    |
| 418839999 | wsbforg4/atomist-docker-tutorial                        | 14751    |
| 492881038 | scalr-automation/terraform-scalr-flat-mirror5           | 14717    |
| 405018546 | truecharts/containers                                   | 14397    |
| 120966336 | yogstation13/Yogstation                                 | 14174    |
| 68312233  | microsoft/vcpkg                                         | 13761    |
| 196414933 | open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib          | 13352    |
| 194751498 | AzureSDKAutomation/azure-sdk-for-java                   | 13302    |
| 70107786  | vercel/next.js                                          | 13071    |
| 10270250  | facebook/react                                          | 12601    |
| 16416867  | mozilla/addons-server                                   | 12441    |
| 31288958  | hashicorp/vault                                         | 12351    |
| 73648678  | forem/forem                                             | 12278    |
| 2060910   | voidlinux/void-packages                                 | 12257    |
| 16408992  | neovim/neovim                                           | 12024    |
| 39464018  | apache/superset                                         | 11791    |
| 50167042  | grokcode/                             | 11745    |
| 376948559 | boost-e2e-stage-ci-buildkite/pr-comments                | 11743    |
| 189621607 | github/docs                                             | 11507    |
| 6899875   | opf/openproject                                         | 11452    |
| 129436456 | openshift/console                                       | 11366    |
| 14447732  | msys2/MINGW-packages                                    | 11320    |
| 84665083  | HippieStation/HippieStationdeprecated2020               | 11318    |
| 91328793  | selenium-sso-user/github-project                        | 10579    |
| 139590616 | kyma-project/kyma                                       | 10421    |
| 37426721  | pisilinux/main                                          | 10403    |
| 22887404  | artsy/force                                             | 10368    |
| 481452780 | mo9a7i/time_now                                         | 10264    |
| 18524934  | Roll20/roll20-character-sheets                          | 10225    |
| 283046497 | airbytehq/airbyte                                       | 10204    |
| 11125589  | keycloak/keycloak                                       | 10127    |
| 656494    | cakephp/cakephp                                         | 9844     |
| 22456440  | ppy/osu                                                 | 9833     |
| 45069467  | hail-is/hail                                            | 9817     |
| 377787916 | ballerina-platform/ballerina-performance-cloud          | 9690     |
| 155220641 | huggingface/transformers                                | 9652     |
| 1050944   | infinispan/infinispan                                   | 9600     |
| 216948313 | AzureSDKAutomation/azure-sdk-for-python                 | 9342     |
| 391886104 | wsbforg4/docker-repo-4                                  | 9293     |
| 9120498   | pypi/warehouse                                          | 9232     |
| 487924901 | zpallenki/testing5                                      | 9158     |
| 116695811 | snyk-test/goof                                          | 9122     |
| 156939672 | microsoft/onnxruntime                                   | 9028     |
| 319742187 | mdn/translated-content                                  | 9011     |
| 487811000 | zpallenki/testing1                                      | 8987     |
| 93446042  | hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm                    | 8956     |
| 16851223  | idaholab/moose                                          | 8943     |
| 14303048  | mamedev/mame                                            | 8932     |
| 179164257 | diem/diem                                               | 8803     |
| 105783257 | yenkins/test-zuul                                       | 8600     |
| 441297488 | yewalenikhil65/MethodOfLines.jl                         | 8599     |
| 206317    | apache/camel                                            | 8566     |
| 13421878  | pentaho/pentaho-kettle                                  | 8506     |
| 143040428 | github/codeql                                           | 8449     |
| 29261473  | minio/minio                                             | 8402     |
| 81815495  | KratosMultiphysics/Kratos                               | 8257     |
| 10601208  | umbraco/Umbraco-CMS                                     | 8209     |
| 26194951  | KSP-CKAN/NetKAN                                         | 8163     |
| 320636477 | WebKit/WebKit                                           | 8074     |
| 28060246  | YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM                           | 7997     |
| 368199998 | TP-Lab/tokens                                           | 7994     |
| 16286131  | mapbox/mapbox-gl-native                                 | 7955     |
| 2158534   | wbond/package_control_channel                           | 7933     |
| 15019962  | tldr-pages/tldr                                         | 7866     |
| 689344    | libretro/RetroArch                                      | 7850     |
| 24107001  | open-mpi/ompi                                           | 7813     |
| 6934395   | facebook/rocksdb                                        | 7701     |
| 192960689 | AzureSDKAutomation/azure-sdk-for-net                    | 7671     |
| 201206239 | alt-how/altinn-studio                                   | 7651     |
| 74627617  | commaai/openpilot                                       | 7471     |
| 89275457  | learn-co-students/js-from-dom-to-node-bootcamp-prep-000 | 7460     |
| 34945282  | eliotsykes/real-world-rails                             | 7391     |
| 27507850  | batfish/batfish                                         | 7347     |
| 7212645   | syl20bnr/spacemacs                                      | 7322     |
| 32935745  | eclipse/che                                             | 7314     |
| 174166640 | Cache-Cloud/tensorflow                                  | 7128     |
| 256170081 | Samsung/ONE                                             | 7046     |
| 2445970   | VoltDB/voltdb                                           | 6996     |
| 1103607   | jenkinsci/jenkins                                       | 6992     |
| 61980658  | azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk                           | 6889     |
| 3314      | spree/spree                                             | 6856     |
| 8162715   | saleor/saleor                                           | 6783     |
| 116008723 | jenkins-x/jenkins-x-platform                            | 6774     |
| 133968906 | bbc/simorgh                                             | 6747     |
| 538746    | ruby/ruby                                               | 6630     |
| 149494920 | Scaleskope-Ind/Org_Apic_Auto_Repo                       | 6588     |
| 15171934  | Homebrew/homebrew-cask-fonts                            | 6527     |
| 88650014  | flutter/plugins                                         | 6518     |
| 1514950   | cakephp/docs                                            | 6514     |
| 11061773  | eslint/eslint                                           | 6410     |
| 1318892   | silverstripe/silverstripe-framework                     | 6363     |
| 42552143  | dotnet/corert                                           | 6361     |
| 7716883   | ankidroid/Anki-Android                                  | 6357     |
| 166008577 | intel/llvm                                              | 6310     |
| 25379390  | openucx/ucx                                             | 6308     |
| 187305746 | mitchm69/                               | 6271     |
| 289159034 | leanupjs/leanup                                         | 6214     |
| 95035788  | MicrosoftDocs/office-docs-powershell                    | 6189     |
| 192019597 | dd-center/vdb                                           | 6127     |
| 82206054  | weseek/growi                                            | 6098     |
| 391367873 | Cardano-NFTs/policyIDs                                  | 6002     |
| 43613404  | kubernetes-sigs/kubespray                               | 5951     |
| 2651887   | alphagov/smart-answers                                  | 5930     |
| 37750722  | geneontology/go-ontology                                | 5922     |
| 178806582 | DimensionDev/Maskbook                                   | 5913     |
| 6887813   | crystal-lang/crystal                                    | 5905     |
| 12647552  | vlsergey/infosec                                        | 5899     |
| 2228226   | ome/openmicroscopy                                      | 5872     |
| 297949724 | boo-learn/SpecialistPython1                             | 5825     |
| 17839626  | HGustavs/LenaSYS                                        | 5803     |
| 121770401 | owncloud/web                                            | 5748     |
| 433054141 | lokaliseAutomation/e2e-check-stage                      | 5745     |
| 222010497 | Rune-Status/runetech-osrs-gamepacks                     | 5727     |
| 175756913 | selfteaching/selfteaching-python-camp                   | 5705     |
| 52558133  | sonic-net/sonic-mgmt                                    | 5693     |
| 33258973  | influxdata/telegraf                                     | 5686     |
| 80945428  | nestjs/nest                                             | 5632     |
| 48004987  | cockroachdb/docs                                        | 5609     |
| 106462765 | microsoft/vscode-python                                 | 5605     |
| 8582237   | splicemachine/spliceengine                              | 5530     |
| 7408108   | RT-Thread/rt-thread                                     | 5507     |
| 66313046  | learn-co-students/javascript-arrays-bootcamp-prep-000   | 5485     |
| 354743391 | o3de/o3de                                               | 5471     |
| 190277211 | Kab1r/tensorflow                                        | 5463     |
| 123983554 | projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor                             | 5433     |
| 60016458  | Amsterdam/data-verkenner                                | 5430     |
| 7202769   | emqx/emqx                                               | 5410     |
| 48798723  | beubiJenkins/for_testings                               | 5399     |
| 22074543  | dimagi/commcare-cloud                                   | 5395     |
| 144689058 | JonathanSimon123/kubernetes                             | 5318     |
| 156018    | redis/redis                                             | 5317     |
| 142967010 | AugurProject/augur                                      | 5292     |
| 136633680 | openshift/installer                                     | 5238     |
| 2028724   | cgeo/cgeo                                               | 5236     |
| 312367855 | dynatrace-oss-contrib/opentelemetry-collector-contrib   | 5216     |
| 302827809 | datafuselabs/databend                                   | 5193     |
| 204742393 | shortlink-org/shortlink                                 | 5186     |
| 57939112  | kubernetes/community                                    | 5163     |
| 9678849   | empirical-org/Empirical-Core                            | 5150     |
| 67828134  | cri-o/cri-o                                             | 5121     |
| 160750261 | microsoft/accessibility-insights-web                    | 5107     |
| 1926534   | gamerson/liferay-ide                                    | 5084     |
| 191051391 | redwoodjs/redwood                                       | 5078     |
| 103749180 | OpenGenus/cosmos                                        | 5069     |
| 41847366  | flutter/website                                         | 5066     |
| 53370988  | GoogleChrome/lighthouse                                 | 5064     |
| 26826032  | pantheon-systems/documentation                          | 5052     |
| 44886691  | jenkins-infra/                                | 5048     |
| 354098767 | chaitanyaphalak/opentelemetry-collector-contrib         | 5046     |