pingcap / tidb-operator

TiDB operator creates and manages TiDB clusters running in Kubernetes.
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TiDB Cluster Does Not Survive K8s Upgrade (EKS) or Nodegroup Upgrade #5644

Closed towens closed 1 month ago

towens commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

What version of Kubernetes are you using? v1.24 - v1.26

What version of TiDB Operator are you using? TiDB Operator Version: version.Info{GitVersion:"v1.5.3", GitCommit:"2c9e4dad0abaa4400afdef9ceff3084e71510ecb", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2024-04-18T03:43:46Z", GoVersion:"go1.21.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/arm64"}

What storage classes exist in the Kubernetes cluster and what are used for PD/TiKV pods? Proper storage classes were created and being used

What's the status of the TiDB cluster pods? Running as we have repeatedly set the tidb cluster to a zero state by deleting it, dropping the pvc's and pv's and recreating the cluster

What did you do? Upgrade k8s (EKS) and/or an EKS nodegroup

What did you expect to see? Pods running

What did you see instead? Pods pending, typical volume conflicts.

This was all solved years ago with topologySpreadConstraints. Unfortunately the tidb-operator doesn't implement the full topologySpreadConstraints spec.

tidb-operators users (at minimum) need:

      - maxSkew: 1
        whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway

Neither the basic or advanced examples survive upgrades. We are open to the idea something simple was missed. TiDB is the only offering we have issues with.

Does there need to be a PR for full the spec of topologySpreadConstraints? Is this obvious to folks working on this project but a docs PR is needed for those not living that context?


csuzhangxc commented 1 month ago

can you show some details about "volume conflicts"?

In our cases for NodeGroup upgrade, we often do it with the following steps:

  1. create NodeGroups with the new version
  2. cordon nodes in the old NodeGroups
  3. trigger a rolling restart (e.g by adding an annotation)
  4. wait until all pods moved into the new NodeGroups
  5. delete old NodeGroups
towens commented 1 month ago

Hi @csuzhangxc, thanks for the response. Should they happen again, I'll collect and share the errors related the volume conflicts. It sounds like you are describing this doc: Replace Nodes for a TiDB Cluster on Cloud Disks. Which we previously had not done and probably the reason for the pod errors. I'll close this issue.

csuzhangxc commented 1 month ago

Yes. The steps are just as Replace Nodes for a TiDB Cluster on Cloud Disks.