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Query optimizer choose to do table scan while index seek is possible #17480

Open darkelf21cn opened 4 years ago

darkelf21cn commented 4 years ago

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

1. Minimal reproduce step (Required)

Table tasks and task_results form one to many relations. Our query joins 2 tables to fetch the task_results by given reference_id and job_result can not be null. TiDB generates bad query plans when the data type of job_result is json. It decides to do a full table scan instead of getting the task_id first then seeks task_results by that id. VARCHAR type column does not have this problem.

Create tables and generate some data

CREATE TABLE tasks ( task_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment, task_name varchar(10), reference_id int unsigned, key(reference_id) ); CREATE TABLE task_results ( id int unsigned primary key auto_increment, task_id int unsigned, result_data json, job_result_json json, job_result_varchar VARCHAR(1024), creation_dt timestamp default current_timestamp, key (task_id) ); SET @@SESSION.tidb_batch_insert = 1; INSERT INTO tasks (task_name, reference_id) SELECT LEFT(UUID(), 10), FLOOR(RAND() 100000) from information_schema.columns a, information_schema.columns b LIMIT 100000; INSERT INTO task_results (task_id, result_data, job_result_json, job_result_varchar) SELECT task_id, CONCAT('{"key1": "', UUID(), '"}'), CASE WHEN FLOOR(RAND() 10) % 10 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT('{"key2": "', UUID(), '"}') END, CASE WHEN FLOOR(RAND() 10) % 10 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT('{"key2": "', UUID(), '"}') END FROM tasks, (SELECT FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 10) a;

Bad query plan

EXPLAIN SELECT task_id, result_data FROM task_results WHERE task_id IN (select task_id from tasks where reference_id = 1 LIMIT 1) AND job_result_json IS NOT NULL ORDER BY creation_dt DESC LIMIT 0, 1000;

+--------------------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | count | task | operator info | +--------------------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Projection_19 | 1.25 | root | test.task_results.task_id, test.task_results.result_data | | └─TopN_22 | 1.25 | root | test.task_results.creation_dt:desc, offset:0, count:1000 | | └─HashRightJoin_27 | 1.25 | root | inner join, inner:Limit_28, equal:[eq(test.tasks.task_id, test.task_results.task_id)] | | ├─Limit_28 | 1.00 | root | offset:0, count:1 | | │ └─IndexReader_33 | 1.00 | root | index:Limit_32 | | │ └─Limit_32 | 1.00 | cop | offset:0, count:1 | | │ └─IndexScan_31 | 1.00 | cop | table:tasks, index:reference_id, range:[1,1], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | | └─Selection_36 | 367632.00 | root | not(isnull(cast(test.task_results.job_result_json))) | | └─TableReader_39 | 459540.00 | root | data:Selection_38 | | └─Selection_38 | 459540.00 | cop | not(isnull(test.task_results.task_id)) | | └─TableScan_37 | 460000.00 | cop | table:task_results, range:[0,+inf], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | +--------------------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Good query plan

EXPLAIN SELECT task_id, result_data FROM task_results WHERE task_id IN (select task_id from tasks where reference_id = 1 LIMIT 1) AND job_result_varchar IS NOT NULL ORDER BY creation_dt DESC LIMIT 0, 1000;

+--------------------------------+--------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | count | task | operator info | +--------------------------------+--------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Projection_18 | 1.25 | root | test.task_results.task_id, test.task_results.result_data | | └─TopN_21 | 1.25 | root | test.task_results.creation_dt:desc, offset:0, count:1000 | | └─IndexJoin_30 | 1.25 | root | inner join, inner:IndexLookUp_29, outer key:test.tasks.task_id, inner key:test.task_results.task_id | | ├─Limit_33 | 1.00 | root | offset:0, count:1 | | │ └─IndexReader_38 | 1.00 | root | index:Limit_37 | | │ └─Limit_37 | 1.00 | cop | offset:0, count:1 | | │ └─IndexScan_36 | 1.00 | cop | table:tasks, index:reference_id, range:[1,1], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | | └─IndexLookUp_29 | 459.08 | root | | | ├─Selection_27 | 459.54 | cop | not(isnull(test.task_results.task_id)) | | │ └─IndexScan_25 | 460.00 | cop | table:task_results, index:task_id, range: decided by [eq(test.task_results.task_id, test.tasks.task_id)], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | | └─Selection_28 | 459.08 | cop | not(isnull(test.task_results.job_result_varchar)) | | └─TableScan_26 | 459.54 | cop | table:task_results, keep order:false, stats:pseudo | +--------------------------------+--------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

2. What did you expect to see? (Required)

IndexLookup on task_results

3. What did you see instead (Required)

TableScan on task_results

4. Affected version (Required)


5. Root Cause Analysis

qw4990 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @darkelf21cn , I have reproduced this case on my computer. I will investigate this problem soon.

qw4990 commented 4 years ago

The reason is tricky and it is caused by a restriction on TiDB's optimizer.

Background: the optimizer requires the inner child of IndexJoin must be a DataSource(TableScan/IndexLookUp/IndexScan), you can see this restriction here.

1. If we use job_result_json here, TiDB can't push the expression job_result_json IS NOT down to TiKV since it doesn't support to this JSON function now.

2. Then the inner child of this JOIN must be a Selection which is used to handle this JSON function and it is not a DataSource.

3. Then we cannot use IndexJoin here since its inner child must be a DataSouce but it is a Selection now.

4. Since we use HashJoin instead of IndexJoin here, its inner side cannot know task_ids in its outer side(this is determined by the different implementation of HashJoin and IndexJoin).

5. Since the inner side cannot get task_ids, it cannot use the index, so the table scan is used here. @darkelf21cn

darkelf21cn commented 4 years ago

Thank you @qw4990 for your quick response. Do we have workaround for this? Actually I rewrote the query in different forms to intend to "enforcing" the SQL engine to execute the subquery first (the data set is small) to get the ids from tasks table, then use those id to lookup task_results. I failed because the query optimizer persists to use the same execution plan to execute it in an "optimized" way. So my question is that can we enforce execution order in some way? I know splitting the SQL into 2 can work that's not my first consideration.

darkelf21cn commented 4 years ago

I found one. The workaround is to create a generated stored column. The column will be used to identify the json column is null or not. E.g job_result_not_null TINYINT AS (CASE WHEN job_result_json IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) STORED. However, this requires the table to be recreated. So I'm still looking for better solutions.