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There are a lot of logs about "limit executor close takes a long time" #52771

Open crazycs520 opened 2 months ago

crazycs520 commented 2 months ago
# rg "limit executor close takes a long time" tidb.log
12789:[2024/04/19 19:10:22.385 +08:00] [INFO] [executor.go:1424] ["limit executor close takes a long time"] [elapsed=2.107365ms]
12791:[2024/04/19 19:10:22.628 +08:00] [INFO] [executor.go:1424] ["limit executor close takes a long time"] [elapsed=1.822869ms]
12801:[2024/04/19 19:10:23.781 +08:00] [INFO] [executor.go:1424] ["limit executor close takes a long time"] [elapsed=4.897655ms]
13561:[2024/04/19 19:15:47.328 +08:00] [INFO] [executor.go:1424] ["limit executor close takes a long time"] [elapsed=1.374016ms]

# rg "limit executor close takes a long time" tidb.log | wc
    205    2665   25251

Look like the log is useless, can we remove it?

TiDB Version

nightly, 72e5460ee85fa06f193e1ad1c346a57247529ee6

crazycs520 commented 2 months ago

@tiancaiamao PTAL

time-and-fate commented 2 months ago

This log has been useful in some internal emulation workloads. Maybe we can increase the threshold instead of removing it directly.


crazycs520 commented 2 months ago

Because this log contains so little information, there is no conn id, txn_ts, nor can we locate which query caused this.

If it's for performance optimization, might it be more useful to grab a profile with proof?

If it is use to locate a slow query, it is more appropriate to obtain more information, such as conn id, txn_ts, etc.?