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unexpected 'Duplicate entry' when insert empty value #53329

Open wjhuang2016 opened 2 weeks ago

wjhuang2016 commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

1. Minimal reproduce step (Required)

Create a function to force full load:

func (do *Domain) FullReload(startTS uint64) error {
    beginTime := time.Now()
    defer func() {
    snapshot :=
    // Using the KV timeout read feature to address the issue of potential DDL lease expiration when
    // the meta region leader is slow.
    snapshot.SetOption(kv.TiKVClientReadTimeout, uint64(3000)) // 3000ms.

    currentSchemaVersion := int64(0)
    if oldInfoSchema := do.infoCache.GetLatest(); oldInfoSchema != nil {
        currentSchemaVersion = oldInfoSchema.SchemaMetaVersion()

    m := meta.NewSnapshotMeta(snapshot)
    neededSchemaVersion, err := m.GetSchemaVersionWithNonEmptyDiff()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // fetch the commit timestamp of the schema diff
    schemaTs, err := do.getTimestampForSchemaVersionWithNonEmptyDiff(m, neededSchemaVersion, startTS)
    if err != nil {
        logutil.BgLogger().Warn("failed to get schema version", zap.Error(err), zap.Int64("version", neededSchemaVersion))
        schemaTs = 0

    schemas, err := do.fetchAllSchemasWithTables(m)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    policies, err := do.fetchPolicies(m)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    resourceGroups, err := do.fetchResourceGroups(m)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // clear data
    do.infoCache.Data = infoschema.NewData()
    newISBuilder, err := infoschema.NewBuilder(do, do.sysFacHack, do.infoCache.Data).InitWithDBInfos(schemas, policies, resourceGroups, neededSchemaVersion)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    logutil.BgLogger().Info("full load InfoSchema success",
        zap.Int64("currentSchemaVersion", currentSchemaVersion),
        zap.Int64("neededSchemaVersion", neededSchemaVersion),
        zap.Duration("start time", time.Since(beginTime)))

    is := newISBuilder.Build(startTS)
    do.infoCache.Insert(is, schemaTs)
    return nil

Then add these code to TestRenameTable

    ver, err := store.CurrentVersion(kv.GlobalTxnScope)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    version := ver.Ver
    err = dom.FullReload(version)
    require.NoError(t, err)


tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t values ()")

Then enable info schema cache by set DefTiDBSchemaCacheSize to 100

2. What did you expect to see? (Required)

Test pass

3. What did you see instead (Required)

Duplicate entry '1' for key 't.PRIMARY' reported by insert rename2.t values ()

4. What is your TiDB version? (Required)


tiancaiamao commented 5 days ago

In the full load, the value get from tikv is 0, while it should be 5000 Something must be wrong, maybe the value is not sync to tikv, or changed/removed later, I'll still not sure

tiancaiamao commented 5 days ago

Related to

tiancaiamao commented 5 days ago

This is caused by, after this commit, we keep using the old allocator after the rename operation.

    tk.MustExec("create database rename1")    // DB ID = 104
    tk.MustExec("create database rename2")    // DB ID = 106
    tk.MustExec("create database rename3")
    tk.MustExec("create table rename1.t (a int primary key auto_increment)")   // table ID = 110

        // Before this operation, rename1.t is  dbID=104, tableID = 110
    tk.MustExec("rename table rename1.t to rename2.t")   
        // After this operation, table info become dbID=106, tableID = 110

        // **But the allocator is still dbID=104, tableID=110**

    tk.MustExec("drop database rename1")     // clear all data for dbID=104

        tk.MustExec("insert rename2.t values ()")    // id allocator is dbID=104, tableID=110, and the meta data for dbID=104 is clear
tiancaiamao commented 2 days ago

This is a 'rename table & autoid' compatibility issue.