Closed Tammyxia closed 2 years ago
redo log will cache the events for 2s which may invoke the flow controlling , so set per-table-memory-quota to a decent value if the QPS is high. And also make sure the performance of disk isn't a bottleneck .
@nongfushanquan: Closing this issue.
What did you do?
What did you expect to see?
Since redo log commit RTO < 10s, so when upstream workload finished for 10s, then let upstream crash, the expected result is cdc can sync all data in upstream to downstream.
What did you see instead?
Upstream has 10 tables, dowstream only has 2 tables.
Versions of the cluster
Upstream TiDB cluster version (execute
SELECT tidb_version();
in a MySQL client):Upstream TiKV version (execute
tikv-server --version
):TiCDC version (execute
cdc version