pingcap / tipocket

A toolkit for testing TiDB
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test: astonishing sophisticated system testing testcase, untested #421

Open Ray-Eldath opened 3 years ago

Ray-Eldath commented 3 years ago

test: astonishing sophisticated system testing testcase, untested misc: create .editorconfig to enforce code styles (especially imports sorting & grouping rules)

the system testing testcase only relies on test-infra sdk and temporaily be placed here, we'll created a new ad-hoc repo if necessary, as already discussed with @cosven.

Ray-Eldath commented 3 years ago

I'll test this once I wake up. now I have to go for sleep. :sleepy:

I have to say that, it's pretty frustrating to see that the complexity with regard to the automation of system testing is much beyond my expection. I think the planned ad-hoc framework need a very careful design, and will be a big project.

Ray-Eldath commented 3 years ago

yeah this piece of code should really be moved into another repo. Makefile and CI and all other stuff are just completely irrelevant.

and as regard to the new framework, there're several ideas just came out of my mind and imho really worth investigating.

mahjonp commented 3 years ago

Seems that the data on s3://tpcc/br-2t is broken.

[2021-06-19 02:17:31] execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
[2021-06-19 02:17:31] execute run failed, err exec SELECT c_discount, c_last, c_credit, w_tax FROM customer, warehouse WHERE w_id = ? AND c_w_id = w_id AND c_d_id = ? AND c_id = ?(wID=3,dID=10,cID=974) failed sql: no rows in result set
execute run failed, err exec SELECT c_discount, c_last, c_credit, w_tax FROM customer, warehouse WHERE w_id = ? AND c_w_id = w_id AND c_d_id = ? AND c_id = ?(wID=3,dID=10,cID=974) failed sql: no rows in result set
[2021-06-19 02:17:31] execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
[2021-06-19 02:17:31] execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
execute run failed, err exec SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name FROM district WHERE d_w_id = ? AND d_id = ? failed sql: no rows in result set
[Summary] NEW_ORDER_ERR - Takes(s): 0.0, Count: 4, TPM: 13531.1, Sum(ms): 22.2, Avg(ms): 5.5, 50th(ms): 3.1, 90th(ms): 11.5, 95th(ms): 11.5, 99th(ms): 11.5, 99.9th(ms): 11.5, Max(ms): 11.5
[Summary] PAYMENT_ERR - Takes(s): 0.0, Count: 4, TPM: 14865.9, Sum(ms): 32.0, Avg(ms): 8.1, 50th(ms): 6.8, 90th(ms): 12.1, 95th(ms): 12.1, 99th(ms): 12.1, 99.9th(ms): 12.1, Max(ms): 12.1