pingcap / tiup

A component manager for TiDB
Apache License 2.0
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using tiup deploy TiDB cluster but get `Please check for root manifest file` #1908

Closed dongb0 closed 2 years ago

dongb0 commented 2 years ago

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

1 What did you do?

Trying to deploy TiDB cluster on a single machine using TIUP tool.

I followed the instruction on Deploy TiDB using TiUP, everything worked fine until Step 4 execute deployment command, I run sudo tiup cluster deploy tidb-test v6.0.0 ./topology.yaml --user my-user-name

I had configured SSH key for the user my-user-name, and I did login my-user-name without any interaction.

2 What did you expect to see?

I suppose it would print something as the document suggests Deployed cluster tidb-test successfully, so that I can move on to the next step.

3 What did you see instead?

Please check for root manifest file, you may download one from the repository mirror, or try `tiup mirror set` to force reset it.
Error: initial repository from mirror( failed: error loading manifest root.json: open /var/root/.tiup/bin/root.json: no such file or directory

I install TiUP using curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh, and it seems that TiUP is installed under ~/.tiup/bin/, I don't know why it trys to search root.json in /var/root/.tiup/bin. Is there any thing I could change its configuration? Thanks in advance.

BTW, I tried Offline Deploy as well, and it reported the same error. And my user name on the target machine contains special character ., will that cause any problem?

4 What version of TiUP are you using (tiup --version)?


qqqdan commented 2 years ago

Suggest not to use “sudo ” in your deployment command