pingcap / tiup

A component manager for TiDB
Apache License 2.0
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Won't remove port probe configuration while scale-in #2327

Closed chenmin1992 closed 3 months ago

chenmin1992 commented 7 months ago

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What did you do?

    scale in an instance by executing tiup cluster scale-in tidb-test -N ip:port -y

  2. What did you expect to see? no mroe probe_success{instance="ip:port"} and no alert.

  3. What did you see instead? Alert TiDB_server_is_down is fired, and probe_success for that instance is still there. image image

  4. What version of TiUP are you using (tiup --version)?

    1.14.0 tiup
    Go Version: go1.21.4
    Git Ref: v1.14.0
    GitHash: c3e9fc518aea0da66a37f82ee5a516171de9c372
seiya-annie commented 1 month ago

/found customer