pingcap / tiup

A component manager for TiDB
Apache License 2.0
411 stars 304 forks source link

naming is inconsistent #819

Open 9547 opened 3 years ago

9547 commented 3 years ago

Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:

Describe the feature you'd like:

Hi, some naming are inconsistent, such as


(base) root@rabbit:tiup <master(v1.1.0-40-gab2232a)>$ ./bin/tiup-playground -h
Bootstrap a TiDB cluster in your local host, the latest release version will be chosen
if you don't specified a version.

  $ tiup playground nightly                         # Start a TiDB nightly version local cluster
  $ tiup playground v3.0.10 --db 3 --pd 3 --kv 3    # Start a local cluster with 10 nodes
  $ tiup playground nightly --monitor=false         # Start a local cluster and disable monitor system
  $ tiup playground --pd.config ~/config/pd.toml    # Start a local cluster with specified configuration file,
  $ tiup playground --db.binpath /xx/tidb-server    # Start a local cluster with component binary path

  tiup playground [version] [flags]
  tiup [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command

      --db int                   TiDB instance number (default 1)
      --db.binpath string        TiDB instance binary path
      --db.config string         TiDB instance configuration file host             Playground TiDB host. If not provided, TiDB will still use host flag as its host
      --drainer int              Drainer instance number
      --drainer.binpath string   Drainer instance binary path
      --drainer.config string    Drainer instance configuration file
  -h, --help                     help for tiup
      --host string              Playground cluster host (default "")
      --kv int                   TiKV instance number (default 1)
      --kv.binpath string        TiKV instance binary path
      --kv.config string         TiKV instance configuration file
      --monitor                  Start prometheus and grafana component (default true)
      --pd int                   PD instance number (default 1)
      --pd.binpath string        PD instance binary path
      --pd.config string         PD instance configuration file host             Playground PD host. If not provided, PD will still use host flag as its host
      --pump int                 Pump instance number
      --pump.binpath string      Pump instance binary path
      --pump.config string       Pump instance configuration file
      --ticdc int                TiCDC instance number
      --ticdc.binpath string     TiCDC instance binary path
      --tiflash int              TiFlash instance number (default 1)
      --tiflash.binpath string   TiFlash instance binary path
      --tiflash.config string    TiFlash instance configuration file

in tiup playground -h we have db, kv and ticdc;

while in tiup list, we have tidb, tikv, cdc.

(base) root@rabbit:tiup <master(v1.1.0-40-gab2232a)>$ tiup list --all
Available components:
Name               Owner    Description
----               -----    -----------
alertmanager       pingcap  Prometheus alertmanager
bench              pingcap  Benchmark database with different workloads
blackbox_exporter  pingcap  Blackbox prober exporter
br                 pingcap  TiDB/TiKV cluster backup restore tool
cdc                pingcap  CDC is a change data capture tool for TiDB
client             pingcap  A simple mysql client to connect TiDB
cluster            pingcap  Deploy a TiDB cluster for production
ctl                pingcap  TiDB controller suite
dm                 pingcap  Data Migration Platform manager
dm-master          pingcap  dm-master component of Data Migration Platform
dm-worker          pingcap  dm-worker component of Data Migration Platform
dmctl              pingcap  dmctl component of Data Migration Platform
doc                pingcap  Online document for TiDB
drainer            pingcap  The drainer componet of TiDB binlog service
dumpling           pingcap  Dumpling is a CLI tool that helps you dump MySQL/TiDB data
grafana            pingcap  Grafana is the open source analytics & monitoring solution for every database
insight            pingcap  TiDB-Insight collector
node_exporter      pingcap  Exporter for machine metrics
package            pingcap  A toolbox to package tiup component
pd                 pingcap  PD is the abbreviation for Placement Driver. It is used to manage and schedule the TiKV cluster
pd-recover         pingcap  PD Recover is a disaster recovery tool of PD, used to recover the PD cluster which cannot start or provide services normally
playground         pingcap  Bootstrap a local TiDB cluster
prometheus         pingcap  The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database
pump               pingcap  The pump componet of TiDB binlog service
pushgateway        pingcap  Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs
server             pingcap  TiUP publish/cache server
spark              pingcap  Spark is a fast and general cluster computing system for Big Data
tidb               pingcap  TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
tidb-lightning     pingcap  TiDB Lightning is a tool used for fast full import of large amounts of data into a TiDB cluster
tiflash            pingcap  The TiFlash Columnar Storage Engine
tikv               pingcap  Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
tikv-importer      pingcap
tispark            pingcap  tispark
tiup               pingcap  TiUP is a command-line component management tool that can help to download and install TiDB platform components to the local system

Describe alternatives you've considered:

IMHO, we should consider those two namings(one for shorthand, and the other full name) as valid and represent the same object.

Teachability, Documentation, Adoption, Migration Strategy:

lonng commented 3 years ago

@9547 Can you fix it?

9547 commented 3 years ago


lucklove commented 3 years ago

Hi~ how's it going? Is there any problem?

9547 commented 3 years ago

I'm working on it, will be done this week.