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Change tables from left-justified to center-justified in case studies and blog posts #146

Closed CaitinChen closed 4 years ago

CaitinChen commented 4 years ago

For example, in the post:

The table is left-justified. Please set all tables to be center-justified.

@YiniXu9506 PTAL

std4453 commented 4 years ago

The PR above should achieve this.

Meanwhile, the following pages contains long text in table cells, which look strange when center-aligned.

Perhaps you would wish to add align="left" to the <td> tags to force them to be left-aligned. PTAL.

The Chinese blogs utilize mostly native markdown tables, where one can specify alignment of each column like:

| default | left | center | right |
| ------- | :--- | :----: | ----: |
| a       | b    | c      | d     |

Which would be rendered as (by github):

default left center right
a b c d

Such format has been used extensively across these blogs and the behavior of the PR above is to respect them (instead of overriding), so only columns with default alignment would be centered. Please check whether that's the expected behavior.

FYI, here's a comprehensive list of files with such tables, from blog-cn:

CaitinChen commented 4 years ago

@std4453 Sorry. I know how to put the text in the middle of a table cell. Here, I want to put the table in the middle horizontally, just like you did this for images in blog posts:

std4453 commented 4 years ago

@CaitinChen Do you want ALL table cells at center, no matter what their headers says, OR only those that have not specified their own alignment?