pingdotgg / uploadthing

File uploads for modern web devs
MIT License
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[misc]: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: _actions_uploadthing_actions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.utapi.listFiles is not a function #828

Closed marienjus closed 1 month ago

marienjus commented 1 month ago

I understand that this issue may be closed if it should be filed in another category

My issue

I dont seem to get why this is coming out. my code:

'use client';

import { UploadButton, UploadDropzone, } from '@/lib/uploadthing'
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { ClientUploadedFileData } from 'uploadthing/types';
import { CardsShare } from './_';
import { utapi } from '@/actions/uploadthing.actions';

export default function PageShareToDoc() {
  const [files_, setFiles_] = useState<any>([])

  const fetchExistingFiles = async () => {
    const files = await utapi.listFiles();
    console.log(':__:', files);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [files_])

  return (
    <div className='mt-10 container p-3 mx-auto'>
      {/* <UploadButton
                // onBeforeUploadBegin={}
                onClientUploadComplete={(res: ClientUploadedFileData<null | any>[]) => {
                    console.log("Files: ", res);
                    alert("Upload Completed");
            // onUploadError={}
            // onUploadProgress={}

            /> */}

      <CardsShare />

        files_ && files_?.map((file: any, index: any) => (
            images showing?
            <img src={file?.key} alt={file?.name} />

        className="bg-slate-800 ut-label:text-lg ut-allowed-content:ut-uploading:text-red-300"

        onClientUploadComplete={(res: ClientUploadedFileData<null | any>[]) => {
          console.log("Files: ", res);
          alert("Upload Completed");

      // onUploadError={(error) => {
      //     console.log("Error: ", error);
      //     const fieldErrors =;
      //     //                              ^? typeToFlattenedError
      //     setError([0] ?? "");
      // }}

// actions:

"use server";

import { UTApi } from "uploadthing/server";

export const utapi = new UTApi();
juliusmarminge commented 1 month ago

Utapi is server-only

You can use it in server actions but you cant just export the class like you're doing.

Make a server action and call the function in there

juliusmarminge commented 1 month ago

In your actions file, do this:

// actions.ts
"use server";

import { UTApi } from "uploadthing/server";

const utapi = new UTApi();

export const listFiles = utapi.listFiles;

and import that instead. actions must be async functions, you cannot export an object/class instance