pingidentity / ldapsdk

UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java
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Not able to import javax classes #133

Open surendrabaid opened 2 years ago

surendrabaid commented 2 years ago

Not able to import javax classes like javax.naming,* in Android app which i'm trying to build using ldap SDK. I've imported unboundid-ldapsdk.jar but it doesn't have javax classes.

dirmgr commented 2 years ago

The javax.naming package is part of JNDI, but the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is a completely independent API for interacting with LDAP directory servers. It does not use JNDI for its communication, nor does it attempt to replicate its API (which is pretty sub-optimal for LDAP, as its attempts to allow interacting with several unrelated services make it not great for any of them, and especially confusing for LDAP). The UnboundID LDAP SDK provides a more intuitive, more powerful, and much more feature-rich API that is specifically designed for accessing LDAP directory services.

See the Getting Started Guide and Javadoc documentation for more information on using the UnboundID LDAP SDK. You can also look at the source code for a number of example tools written in the LDAP SDK to see how to use it for communicating with LDAP servers, reading and writing LDIF, and performing other LDAP-related tasks.