pingidentity / ldapsdk

UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java
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Unable to add entries to LDAP server #147

Closed Tobbelobb2 closed 1 year ago

Tobbelobb2 commented 1 year ago

I start an LDAP test-server with the following code:

public class ADTestContainer implements QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager {

    public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ADTestContainer.class);

    private LDAPConnection ldapConnection;
    private InMemoryDirectoryServer ds;

    public Map<String, String> start() {
        try {
  "Starting application LDAP test container");
            InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig config =
                    new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig("dc=nte,dc=local");
            config.addAdditionalBindCredentials("cn=Directory Manager", "password");

            // Create the directory server instance, populate it with data from the
            // "test-data.ldif" file, and start listening for client connections.
            ds = new InMemoryDirectoryServer(config);
  ; //[dc=local,dc=nte]

            ds.importFromLDIF(true, "target/test-classes/data.ldif");

            // Get a client connection to the server and use it to perform various
            // operations.
            ldapConnection = ds.getConnection();

            return Map.of(
                    "ldap.user", "cn=Directory Manager",
                    "ldap.password", "password",
                    "ldap.url", "ldap://" + ldapConnection.getConnectedAddress() + ":" + ds.getListenPort(),
                    "ldap.realm", "test"

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Failed to setup application MongoDb test container", e);
            try {
                throw e;
            } catch (LDAPException ex) {
        return null;

    public void stop() {
        if (nonNull(ldapConnection)) {
  "Stopping Ldap test container");


I am trying to add data with the following file: dn: ou=NTEou,dc=nte,dc=local objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: NTEou But it fails with the following error: Unable to add entry 'ou=NTEou,dc=nte,dc=local' because its parent entry 'dc=nte,dc=local' does not exist in the server.

Tobbelobb2 commented 1 year ago

Adding the following to the top of the ldif file worked:

dn: dc=nte,dc=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
dc: nte