pingidentity / ldapsdk

UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java
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What is the best option to remove object by objectGuid ? #149

Open gredwhite opened 12 months ago

gredwhite commented 12 months ago

I want to use immutable objectGuid identifier in my project and I want to know how to remove by objectGuid

The most obvious option is get the entryby objectGuid

SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(
                Filter.createEqualityFilter("objectGuid", objectGuidBytest)
val entry =    ldapConnectionPool.searchForEntry(searchRequest)

and then remove using existing API


But it requires 2 requests.

Is there way to extend library to make it using single ldap request ? Does LDAP protocol suppot it ?

Based on I think that get by objectGuid is supported on protocol level

dirmgr commented 12 months ago

The LDAP protocol specification in RFC 4511 section 4.8 defines a delete request as:

DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN

This means that the only standards-compliant way for LDAP clients to identify an entry to delete is by providing the DN of that entry, and providing something other than the DN would mean that it isn't a valid LDAP request.

Nevertheless, Microsoft doesn't seem especially concerned with adhering to the protocol specification. I know that they violate the spec at least for bind operations, so it's possible that they do as well for delete operations. I don't deal with Active Directory, so I can't say whether that is the case or not.

I will say that if you attempt a delete operation and specify the DN of the entry to delete as a string, the LDAP SDK doesn't try to verify whether the provided DN actually is a string. So if Active Directory does allow you to provide an objectGUID as an alternative to a DN, then the LDAP SDK wouldn't necessarily prevent you from doing that.

gredwhite commented 12 months ago

dirmgr Thank you!

I tried to test (with existing objectGuid) 1.



00002032: ldb_delete: invalid dn '(null)'

But it is not surprising because objectGuid should be passed as byte array