pingidentity / scim2

The UnboundID SCIM 2.0 SDK for Java
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Create wiki page for scim2-sdk-server #86

Open jgomer2001 opened 6 years ago

jgomer2001 commented 6 years ago

Nice to have at a page explaining the most important aspects of the server subproject. Currently client-related pages are pretty illustrative. Good to have guidelines for server implementors

Rushit commented 6 years ago

is there any plans to add documentation for scim2-sdk-server?

stnor commented 5 years ago


dirspb commented 5 years ago


bcarroll commented 4 years ago


braveulysses commented 3 years ago

This might be something I can do in my spare time, but unfortunately, I can't make any promises about a timeline. If there are specific topics that you think would be helpful, please go ahead and list them here.

In the meantime, I do have a barebones SCIM 2 server example here that shows the broad strokes of what you need to do.

rs-dpatil commented 6 months ago
