pingpong-labs / modules

Laravel 5 Modules
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Extremely bad performance on version 2.2 #263

Open nWidart opened 8 years ago

nWidart commented 8 years ago

I'm in the process of upgrading to laravel 5.2, using version 2.2 of this package.

However since this upgrade, the application load time has increased by almost 2 seconds.

I've run a profiler, this is what it looks like:

On that profile there are 606 calls to file_get_contents which comes from the Json class. This is with caching enabled. Without caching this was close to 1300 calls!

I think this could still be reduced as the same module.json file is called multiple times. The following image only shows a very small amount of calls. screen shot 2016-06-22 at 17 29 36

Adding some caching to the getAttributs method in the Json class.

public function getAttributes()
    return app('cache')->remember($this->getPath(), 10, function () {
        return json_decode($this->getContents(), 1);

This reduces the amount of calls to 22!! After this change:

I think this is something that should be looked at asap.