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Support for PostCSS / CSSNext #14

Open dillonbheadley opened 7 years ago

dillonbheadley commented 7 years ago

It would be great to support either full access to PostCSS or even limited to CSSNext since that's the future of css essentially and eventually most developers will be using that syntax over Sass / Less.

davej commented 7 years ago

Yes, this is definitely under consideration. Config would possibly be done using something like this:

dillonbheadley commented 7 years ago

That looks good to me!

randallmlough commented 7 years ago

"Note: it's cssnext, not CSSNext" ;)

BTW No jab intended - just thought it was funny that they put that on their site.

+1 for this though - subbed.

dillonbheadley commented 7 years ago

Oh haha I did zero research so not surprising I got it wrong...